li ser silindirên yek lîstikvanî û ducarî fêr bibin, cudahiyên wan, sepanên, pros, û neyînî. Ji bo hewcedariyên pergala hîdrolîk bijartina rast kifş bikin.

Sîlindirên Hîdrolîk û Sîstemên Jacking: Bi LONGLOOD re operasyonên xwe bilind bikin

Rêzeya berfireh a silindirên hîdrolîk û pergalên jackingê yên LONGLOOD, danîna standarda ji bo pêşkeftina di hilberînê de. Wekî lîstikvanek pîşesaziya sereke li Chinaînê, em rasterast ji xerîdarên xwe re li çaraliyê cîhanê çareseriyên jacking û rakirina pêşkeftî bi bihayên rasterast ên kargehê peyda dikin, misogerkirina erzaniyê bêyî tawîzkirina li ser kalîteyê.

Hilberînerê rasterast a sîlinderên hîdrolîk, bihayên fabrîkî-rasterast reqabetê.


Tabloya naverokê

Cûreyên Cûda yên Silinderên Hîdraulîk peyda dike LONGLOOD

  • Silindirên hîdrolîk ên yekane

LONGLOOD silindirên hîdrolîk yek-çalakî pêşkêşî dike, ku cureyên herî hêsan in. Van silindir hêza hîdrolîk bi yek portê ve bicîh dikin, bi gelemperî ji bo dirêjkirina plunge. Vegera pozîsyona destpêkê an ji hêla giraniya barkirinê ve an jî ji hêla a ava-li bihara vegerê.

LONGLOOD silindirên hîdrolîk du-çalakî peyda dike, karanîna herikîna hîdrolîk hem ji bo pêşdebirin û hem jî ji bo paşvekişandina pilingê. Bi du portên girêdanê ve girêdayî ye, van silindiran pompek hevgirtî hewce dike ku herikîna hîdrolîk di her du alîyan de peyda bike. Awantajên paşvekêşana zûtir û kontrolkirî pêk tîne, çêkirina wan ji bo serîlêdanên ku hewcedariya hêzên pêxistin û kişandinê bi rastbûna dubarekirî ye.

  • Silinderên hîdrolîk ji bo sepanên kişandinê

LONGLOOD’s hydraulic cylinders for pulling applications are designed for tasks such as cable and bar tensioning. Typically single-acting with spring return.

LONGLOOD offers locknut cylinders, ideal for applications requiring extended load holding. This feature is available across different cylinder types, giştî low height, lightweight, or high-tonnage models.

  • LONGLOOD’s hollow plunger hydraulic cylinders

Also known as center-hole cylinders, deliver both pull and push forces. Featuring an internal thread for fixing to the item being pulled, they come in single-acting an double-acting variants, steel or aluminum builds, and may include removable saddles and steel base plates.

  • Telescopic Hydraulic Cylinders

LONGLOOD’s telescopic hydraulic cylinders provide extended stroke capabilities in confined spaces. Çalakiya teleskopî dihêle ku bargiran berbi mesafeyek mezin ve bê kêşana demkî were rakirin. Dema ku cylinderek teleskopîk hilbijêre, bikarhêner divê kapasîteya barkirinê ya herî zêde bifikirin, ku her ku diçe kêm dibe.

  • Silindirên hîdrolîk ên sivik

LONGLOOD pêşkêş dike silindirên hîdrolîk aluminium minasib ji bo sepanên cuda. Tevhevkirina kapasîteyê û hêzê bi giraniya sivik re, silindirên aluminiumê ji bo veguheztin û pozîsyonê hêsantir in. Li hemberî korozyonê berxwedan, ew ji bo hawîrdorên caustîk baş in û di veavakirinên standard de bi sêlên pola hişk û lewheyên bingehîn hene..

  • Tie-Rod silindirên hîdrolîk

Silindirên girêbestê yên LONGLOOD bi serê xwe têne çêkirin, bingeh, û bermîla silindirê bi girê-girên ve girêdayî ye. Van pêşniyarên ji LONGLOOD rêzek berfireh peyda dikin da ku hewceyên cûda yên xebitandinê bicîh bînin.

Why Use Hydraulic Locks

Hydraulic locks, also known as hydraulic locking mechanisms, are utilized in various applications for specific purposes. Here are some common reasons why hydraulic locks are used:

Load Holding:

Hydraulic locks are often employed to hold loads in a fixed position. By using a hydraulic locking mechanism, the system can maintain stability and prevent undesired movements or drift.

Safety and Security:

In applications where safety is a critical concern, hydraulic locks provide a secure means of preventing unintentional movement. This is especially important in situations where there may be human operators or workers in proximity to hydraulic equipment.
Positioning Accuracy:

Girtiyên hîdrolîk ji bo bidestxistina pozîsyona rast a pêkhate an pergalê têne bikar anîn. Bi girtina hin hêmanan bi hîdroulîk, ew di cîhkirin û lihevhatina makîneyan an amûran de rastbûnê misoger dike.

Parastina Enerjiyê:

Girtiyên hîdrolîk dikarin beşdarî parastina enerjiyê di pergalên hîdrolîk de bibin. Bi girtina silindirek di cîhek taybetî de, ew hewcedariya domdar peydakirina zexta hîdrolîk ji holê radike da ku wê pozîsyonê biparêze, dibe sedema teserûfa enerjiyê.

Sîstemên Brake Awarte:

Girtiyên hîdrolîk di hin pergalên frena acîl de têne yek kirin. Di bûyera têkçûn an rewşa awarte de, kilîtkirina hîdrolîk dikare tevlê bibe da ku tevgerê rawestîne û pêşî li zirar an zirarê bigire.

Heavy Load Handling:

Di serîlêdanên ku pêdivî ye ku barên giran bêne rakirin an manîpulekirin, hydraulic locks provide a means of securely holding the load in position without the constant need for hydraulic pressure.

Controlled Movement:

Hydraulic locks contribute to controlled and regulated movement in hydraulic systems. They ensure that movements occur precisely and are not affected by external forces.

Reduced Hydraulic System Leakage:

By using hydraulic locks, the need for constant hydraulic pressure to maintain a specific position is eliminated. This can reduce the risk of hydraulic system leakage and contribute to the overall efficiency of the system.

Preventing Drift:

Hydraulic locks are effective in preventing drift, which refers to the slow, unintended movement of hydraulic actuators due to internal leakage. The lock ensures that the actuator stays in the desired position without drifting.

Improved Stability in Heavy Equipment:

In heavy machinery such as cranes, excavators, or loaders, hydraulic locks contribute to stability during lifting or loading operations. They help prevent sudden movements or collapses that could be dangerous.

It’s important to note that the use of hydraulic locks depends on the specific requirements of the application. The decision to incorporate hydraulic locks into a system is based on factors such as safety regulations, precision requirements, load characteristics, and operational considerations.

How To Identify A Hydraulic Clinder ?

Identifying a hydraulic cylinder involves examining its physical characteristics, markings, and specifications.

Guides to help you identify a hydraulic cylinder:

Physical Examination

Size and Shape: Measure the physical dimensions of the cylinder, including the bore diameter, rod diameter, and overall length. This information helps determine the cylinder’s size.
Mounting Style: Note the mounting style, which can be clevis, flange, trunnion, or other configurations. This is crucial for understanding how the cylinder is attached to the equipment.

Cylinder Specifications

Operating Pressure: Identify the maximum operating pressure of the cylinder. This information is critical for ensuring that the replacement cylinder meets the system’s requirements.

Bore and Rod Diameter

Confirm the bore diameter (inner diameter of the cylinder) and rod diameter (outer diameter of the rod). These specifications impact the cylinder’s force and speed capabilities.

Dirêjahiya lêdanê

Determine the stroke length, which is the maximum distance the rod can travel in and out of the cylinder.

Mounting Configuration

End Mounts: Çiyayên dawî an xalên pêvekirinê yên silînderê bikolin. Bala xwe bidin celebê çiyan, wek clevis, flange, an çîkên trunnion. Ev di naskirina serîlêdana cylinder de dibe alîkar.

Taybetmendiyên Rod End

Rod End Attachments: Kontrol bikin ka dawiya rodê pêvek an taybetmendiyek heye, wek çav an kulm. Ev dikare fonksiyon an serîlêdanên taybetî nîşan bide.

Seal Type

Seals û Gaskets: Muhr û gazketên li ser silinderê kontrol bikin. Cûreyên cûda yên moran, wek morên rod û morên piston, ji armancên taybetî re xizmet dike û dikare di sêwirana silindirê de têgihiştinê peyda bike.

Ji bo kişandin an zirarê kontrol bikin

Wear Patterns: Li qalibên cil û bergê li ser laşê rod û silindirê bigerin. Zehfbûn an zirara zêde dibe ku pirsgirêkên bi xebitandin an lênihêrîna silindirê nîşan bide.

11 Gavên Ji bo Hilbijartina Sîlindera Hîdraulîk a Rast

Asta 1ê: Define Application Requirements:

Clearly understand the application’s requirements, including the load capacity, dirêjahiya lêdanê, operating environment, and speed of operation.
Determine Load and Force Requirements:

Calculate the force or load that the hydraulic cylinder needs to handle. Ensure that the selected cylinder has a sufficient load capacity for the application.

Step 2: Choose Cylinder Type:

Consider the type of hydraulic cylinder based on your application needs. Common types include single-acting, double-acting, telescopic, and as above mentioned types. Each type has specific advantages and limitations.

Step 3:Consider Operating Environment:

Evaluate the environmental conditions in which the hydraulic cylinder will operate. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to corrosive substances can impact the choice of materials and coatings.

Step 4:Determine Stroke Length:

Determine the required stroke length, which is the distance the hydraulic cylinder needs to move. Ensure that the selected cylinder provides the necessary stroke to meet the application’s requirements.

Step 5:Evaluate Speed Requirements:

Consider the speed at which the hydraulic cylinder needs to operate. Different applications may require varying speed capabilities, and the cylinder’s design should accommodate these requirements.

Step 6:Check Mounting Options:

Assess the available space and mounting options for the hydraulic cylinder. Choose a cylinder design that fits within the space constraints and offers appropriate mounting configurations.

Step 7: Select Cylinder Material:

Choose the cylinder material based on the specific environmental conditions and the type of load it will handle. Common materials include steel, stainless steel, and aluminum, each with its own set of advantages.

Step 8: Review Seal and Bearing Materials:

Pay attention to the seals and bearings used in the hydraulic cylinder. Ensure they are compatible with the hydraulic fluid and can withstand the operating conditions to prevent leaks and premature wear.

Step 9: Consider Cylinder Features:

Evaluate additional features such as cushioning for controlled deceleration, position feedback devices, and rod coatings for enhanced durability. Select features that enhance the overall performance and longevity of the hydraulic cylinder.

Step 10: Check Certification and Standards:

Verify that the hydraulic cylinder complies with industry standards and certifications. This ensures that it meets safety and performance requirements.

Seek guidance from LONGLOOD, we are leading high tonnage hydraulic cylinder manufacturers and suppliers. We can provide expertise, recommend suitable options based on your application, and assist with any specific customization needs.

Step 11: Budget Considerations:

Take into account budget constraints and compare different hydraulic cylinder options based on cost-effectiveness and long-term reliability.

By carefully considering these factors and consulting with our sales experts, you can select a suitable hydraulic cylinder that meets the specific needs of your application, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. If more questions please contact us.

Guides About How To Match A Hydraulic Cylinder With A Pump?

hydraulic pump and cylinder sets

Understanding the Basics

Hydraulic System Basics:

A hydraulic system consists of components like pumps, cylinders, valves, and hoses. Pomp zexta hîdrolîk çêdike, ya ku bi şikilê ve tê veguheztin da ku silindirê bimeşîne.

Cûreyên pompeyên hîdrolîk ên ku em bikar tînin:

Pumpên Piston: Bi pompeya gearê re tevlihevtir, dikarin zextên bilindtir bikin, û minasib ji bo sepanên giran-erkê.

Tespîtkirina Pêdiviyên Sîlîndera Hîdrolîk:

Define Application Requirements:

Pêdiviyên taybetî yên serîlêdana xwe fam bikin, di nav de kapasîteya barkirinê, zûbûnî, û dirêjahiya lêdanê.
Hêz û Zextê Bihejmêre:

Hêza ku ji bo barkirina barkirinê bi karanîna silindera hîdrolîk hewce dike hesab bikin. Dûv re zext bi dabeşkirina hêzê ji hêla qada cylinder ve tê destnîşankirin.

Tîpa sîlînderê diyar bikin:

Cûreyek guncan a silindera hîdrolîk hilbijêrin (single-acting, double-acting, etc.) li ser bingeha hewcedariyên serîlêdana we.

Hilbijartina Pumpa Rast:
Em pompeyên piston bikar tînin ku zextên bilindtir digirin.

Pêdiviyên Flow Bihesibînin:

Rêjeya herikîna pêdivî ya şilava hîdrolîk destnîşan bikin, usually measured in gallons per minute (GPM). The pump’s flow rate should meet or exceed the system’s requirements.

Check Pressure Rating:

Ensure the pump’s pressure rating matches or exceeds the pressure required by the hydraulic cylinder. Consider safety factors and potential pressure spikes during operation.

Account for Efficiency:

Consider the efficiency of the pump. Efficiency affects the amount of input power needed to generate hydraulic pressure. Higher efficiency reduces energy consumption.

Evaluate Pump Size

Select a pump size that complements the cylinder’s size and speed requirements. The pump should be capable of delivering the necessary flow and pressure for efficient cylinder operation.

Ensuring Compatibility:

Check Pump and Cylinder Connection:

Ensure that the pump and hydraulic cylinder have compatible connection interfaces, including fittings, ports, and thread sizes.

Consider Fluid Compatibility:

Verify that the hydraulic fluid used is compatible with both the pump and the cylinder. Incompatible fluids can lead to seal degradation and system failure.

Seeking Professional from our Experts

We can provide valuable insights based on your specific application requirements.

Review System Dynamics:

Consider the overall system dynamics, including the interplay between the pump, cylinder, and other components. System inefficiencies can arise from mismatched components.

Testing and Adjustment

Perform System Tests:

Conduct tests with the selected pump and cylinder to ensure they work harmoniously. Monitor system performance and make adjustments if needed.

Maintenance Regular

Implement a regular maintenance schedule to ensure the longevity and efficiency of the hydraulic system.

Keep Records:
Maintain records of the pump and cylinder specifications, operating parameters, and any modifications made. This documentation is valuable for troubleshooting and future reference.


Matching a hydraulic cylinder with a pump involves a detailed understanding of the application, load requirements, and system dynamics. By following these steps and seeking professional advice from our sales experts, you can ensure a well-matched and efficient hydraulic system for your specific needs.Buy from China hydraulic cylinder manufacturer like LONGLOOD could save you a lot of time.

What is a hollow hydraulic cylinder used for?

A hollow hydraulic cylinder, also known as a hollow plunger cylinder or center-hole cylinder, is a type of hydraulic cylinder that features a hollow center along the length of the piston rod. This design has specific applications where the hollow space is utilized for a particular purpose. Here are common uses for hollow hydraulic cylinders:

Tensioning Applications:

Hollow hydraulic cylinders are often used in applications where tensioning or pulling force is required. The hollow space allows for the passage of a rod or cable through the center, enabling the cylinder to apply force while accommodating the extended length of the material being tensioned.
Cable and Wire Tensioning:

In industries such as construction, bridge building, or cable-stayed structures, hollow hydraulic cylinders are employed to tension cables or wires. The cables can be threaded through the hollow center of the cylinder, and hydraulic pressure is applied to generate the required tension.
Pipe and Tube Bending:

Hollow hydraulic cylinders are used in pipe and tube bending machines. The hollow space allows the cylinder to engage with the pipe or tube while accommodating the material being bent. This is common in applications such as metal fabrication and construction.
Material Pulling and Holding:

Hollow cylinders are suitable for applications where materials need to be pulled or held in place. The central opening allows for the passage of materials through the cylinder, facilitating processes like pulling, holding, or clamping.
Rescue and Recovery Operations:

In emergency situations, hollow hydraulic cylinders can be used for rescue and recovery operations. Bo nimûne, they might be employed to lift or pull heavy objects or structures in confined spaces, where the hollow space facilitates the use of cables or rods.
Hydraulic Tensioners:

Hollow hydraulic cylinders are commonly used in hydraulic tensioning systems, where precise and controlled tensioning of bolts or fasteners is required. The hollow design allows for the insertion of a tensioning tool through the cylinder, ensuring accurate and efficient tensioning.
Testing and Calibration:

Hollow cylinders can be used in testing and calibration applications where force or tension needs to be applied to various materials or components. The central opening accommodates the testing equipment or devices.
Hydraulic Jacks with Through-Hole Design:

Some hydraulic jacks, particularly those designed for specialized applications, taybetmendiyek sêwirana bi qulikê. Ev ji bo karanîna piralî li cîhê materyalê dihêle, tools, an pêkhateyên dikarin bi jack di dema operasyonê de derbas.
Feydeya sereke ya silindirên hîdrolîk ên vala, pirrengiya wan e ku di vekirina navendê de materyal an strukturên zêde bicîh dikin., çêkirina wan ji bo serîlêdanên li cihê ku tengezar dibe, kişandin, an jî derbaskirina materyalan pêwîst e.

Plunger di silindera hîdrolîk de çi ye?

Di silindirek hîdrolîk de, plunge hêmanek krîtîk e ku di hundurê silindrê de paş û paş digere da ku tevgera xêzik çêbike.. Plunger jî bi gelemperî wekî piston an çolê tê binav kirin, û ew bi gelemperî bi serê pistonek an rasterast bi dawiya piston ve girêdayî ye. Şertên “destikê tifingê” û “plunger” bi gelemperî di çarçoveya silinderên hîdrolîk de bi hev ve têne bikar anîn.

Li vir taybetmendî û fonksiyonên sereke yên pêlavê di silindirek hîdrolîk de hene:


Plunger darê silindirkî ye ku ji yek dawiya silindera hîdrolîk dirêj dibe.. Ew bi gelemperî ji materyalên bi hêz-bilind ên wekî pola tête çêkirin ku li hember hêz û zextên ku di serîlêdanên hîdrolîk de têkildar in bisekinin..
Girêdana bi Piston:

Di hin silindirên hîdrolîk de, plunge bi serê piston ve girêdayî ye, yekbûnek yekane ava dike. Pîston û piling bi hev re dixebitin da ku şilava hîdrolîk di hundurê silindirê de bi cih bikin û tevgera xêzikî çêbikin..

Plunge bi moran ve girêdayî ye, wek O-rings an cureyên din ên morên hîdrolîk, ji bo pêşîlêgirtina şilava hîdrolîk di navbera hundur û derveyî silinderê de. Girtina rast ji bo karîgerî û pêbaweriya pergala hîdrolîk pir girîng e.
Linear Motion:

As hydraulic pressure is applied to one side of the piston, it generates a force that causes the plunger to move linearly within the cylinder. This linear motion is then used to perform various mechanical tasks, such as lifting, dehf didin, an kişandin.
Single-Acting vs. Double-Acting Cylinders:

In single-acting hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic pressure is applied to one side of the piston, causing the plunger to extend. The return stroke is typically achieved by an external force (such as gravity or a spring). In double-acting cylinders, hydraulic pressure is applied to both sides of the piston, allowing the plunger to extend and retract based on the direction of hydraulic pressure.
End Attachments:

The end of the plunger may have various attachments or mounting features, depending on the specific application. These attachments may include eyes, clevises, or other connection points for linking the plunger to external components.
Guidance and Alignment:

The plunger is guided and aligned within the hydraulic cylinder to ensure smooth and precise movement. Bearings or other guiding mechanisms may be incorporated to minimize friction and wear.
Materials and Coatings:

Plungers are often made from materials with high tensile strength and may be coated or treated for enhanced durability and resistance to wear, korozyon, or other environmental factors.
Understanding the role and characteristics of the plunger in a hydraulic cylinder is essential for designing and selecting the appropriate hydraulic system for a given application. The plunger’s movement translates hydraulic pressure into mechanical work, rê dide silinderên hîdrolîk ku di pîşesaziyên cihêreng de gelek karan pêk bînin.

Silindirê hîdrolîk tonajê bilind çi ye?

Taybetmendî û taybetmendiyên sereke yên silindirên hîdrolîk-tonnage bilind hene:

Kapasîteya Barkirina Bilind:

Silindirên hîdrolîk ên bi tonên bilind ji bo hilgirtina barên ku ji kapasîteya silinderên hîdrolîk ên standard derbas dibin têne çêkirin.. Ew dikarin hêzek girîng çêbikin, bi gelemperî ji sedan heta bi hezaran ton.
Mezinahiyên Borê yên Mezin:

Van silindiran bi gelemperî li gorî silindirên standard xwedî pîvanên boriyê mezintir in. Bûka mezintir dihêle ku hêjmarek mezin a şilava hîdrolîk li ser pistonê tevbigere, di encamê de hêzek bilindtir çêdibe.
Avakirina xurt:

Silindirên bi tonên bilind bi materyalên giran têne çêkirin da ku li hember hêz û barên giran ên ku ew dixwazin hilgirin bisekinin.. This includes the use of high-strength alloy steels and advanced manufacturing techniques.
High-Pressure Operation:

These cylinders are designed to operate at high hydraulic pressures to achieve the necessary force. The hydraulic system supplying the cylinder may include high-pressure pumps and components to meet the requirements of the application.
Special Sealing Systems:

Due to the high forces involved, high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders often incorporate specialized sealing systems to ensure effective sealing and prevent hydraulic fluid leakage. This includes robust seals and packing arrangements.
Versatile Mounting Options:

High-tonnage cylinders come with versatile mounting options to accommodate different installation requirements. This flexibility allows for integration into various heavy machinery and industrial equipment.
Extended Stroke Lengths:

These cylinders may be designed to offer extended stroke lengths, allowing for a wide range of motion in applications where significant travel is required.
Customization for Specific Applications:

High-tonnage hydraulic cylinders are often customized based on the specific needs of the application. This may include tailored dimensions, special rod coatings, or unique end attachments.

Common applications for high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders include heavy lifting equipment, metal forming presses, forging presses, mining equipment, shipyard machinery, and other heavy industrial processes.
Safety Considerations:

Due to the immense forces involved, safety is a critical consideration when working with high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders. Proper installation, lênerrînî, and adherence to safety standards are essential.
Girîng e ku meriv bêje ku term “tonên bilind” nisbî ye û dibe ku li gorî pîşesaziyê û serîlêdanê diguhere.

Meriv çawa Hoseya Hîdraulîk a Rast Hilbijêre ?

Hilbijartina çolê hîdrolîk a rast ji bo projeya we pir girîng e ku performansa çêtirîn peyda bike, ewlekarî, û dirêjî. Li vir hin gavên bingehîn û nihêrîn hene ku ji we re bibin alîkar ku hûn di hilbijartina hoseya hîdrolîk a rast de rêber bikin:

Pêdiviyên pergalê fam bikin:

Zextê dizanin, germî, û pêdiviyên rêjeya herikîna pergala weya hîdrolîk. Van faktoran dê bandorê li cûre û taybetmendiyên çîpek hewce bike.
Mezinahiya Hose Diyar bikin:

Li ser bingeha rêjeya herikînê û leza ku ji bo serîlêdana we hewce ye, mezinahiya çolê ya guncan hilbijêrin. Pêdivî ye ku mezinahiya hose bi daxwazên pergalê re li hev bike da ku pêşî li bêserûberî an zirara potansiyel bigire.
Consider Fluid Compatibility:

Piştrast bikin ku hose hîdrolîk bi celebê şilava hîdrolîk a ku di pergala we de tê bikar anîn re hevaheng e. Çêlikên cihêreng têne çêkirin ku li hember cûrbecûr şilavên hîdrolîk bisekinin, petrolê jî tê de, av, û şilavên sentetîk.
Rêzeya Germahiya kontrol bikin:

Rêzeya germahiya pergala hîdrolîk verast bikin. Kulîlkek hîdrolîk hilbijêrin ku dikare li hember germahiya hawîrdora weya xebitandinê bisekinin. Hem germahiya şilê û hem jî germahiya hawîrdorê bifikirin.
Avakirina Hose binirxînin:

Hosesên hîdrolîk di avahiyên cûda de têne, wek lastîk, termoplastîk, an materyalên hybrid. Pêdiviyên taybetî yên serîlêdana xwe û şert û mercên ku dê pê re rû bi rû bimînin bifikirin, di nav de abrasion, nermbûn, û giranî.
Pîvana Zextê diyar bikin:

Zexta xebatê ya herî zêde ya pergala xweya hîdrolîk fam bikin. Select a hydraulic hose with a pressure rating that exceeds the maximum pressure in your system to provide a safety margin.
Assess Hose End Connections:

Choose hose end connections that are compatible with your system components. Common end connections include JIC, NPT, SAE, and others. Ensure a proper fit to prevent leaks and maintain system integrity.
Consider Bend Radius:

Evaluate the minimum bend radius of the hydraulic hose. This is crucial for applications with tight spaces or complex routing. Avoid exceeding the minimum bend radius to prevent hose damage.
Account for Hose Length:

Determine the required hose length based on the layout of your hydraulic system. Avoid excessive hose lengths, as they can lead to pressure drops and affect system performance.
Factor in Environmental Conditions:

Mercên hawîrdorê yên ku hose hîdrolîk dê rû bi rû bimîne bifikirin, wek ronahiya rojê, kîmyewî, an materyalên abrasive. Ji bo ku li hember van şert û mercan bisekinin, kulmek bi materyalê guncan hilbijêrin.
Lihevhatin û Sertîfîkayê kontrol bikin:

Piştrast bikin ku hose hîdrolîk standard û sertîfîkayên pîşesaziyê pêk tîne. Li nîşanan bigerin ku lihevhatina bi taybetmendiyên wekî SAE re destnîşan dikin, ISO, an standardên DIN.
Bi Suppliers re bişêwirin:

Meriv çawa silindirek hîdrolîk a du-çalakdar dibîne?

Hûn dikarin silindirek du-çalakkirî bi lêgera taybetmendiyên jêrîn bibînin:

Hejmara Ports:

Silindirek du-çalakî dê du portên pêwendiyê hebe - bi gelemperî yek li ser her dawiyê. Ev berevajî silindirên yek-çalak e, ku tenê yek port hene.
Rod End û Cap End:

Silindirên du-çalakkirî bi gelemperî navnîşên wekî “dawiya rod” û “dawiya kapê.” These refer to the two ends of the cylinder where hydraulic fluid is applied to extend or retract the piston.
Piston Rod:

Observe the piston rod. In a double-acting cylinder, the piston rod can extend and retract based on the application of hydraulic pressure to either end.
Application Context:

Consider the application context. Double-acting cylinders are commonly used in situations where bidirectional force and controlled movement are required, such as in material handling equipment, hydraulic presses, and manufacturing processes.
Lihevhatina Pumpa Hîdraulîk:

Double-acting cylinders require a compatible hydraulic pump that can provide hydraulic flow in both directions. The presence of a hydraulic pump with bidirectional capabilities is indicative of a double-acting system.
Control Valves and Lines:

In hydraulic systems with double-acting cylinders, you may find control valves and hydraulic lines that facilitate the controlled flow of hydraulic fluid to both sides of the cylinder.

Hydraulic cylinders used for pulling tasks

Hydraulic cylinders used for pulling tasks are specifically designed to exert force in the direction of retraction. These cylinders are often referred to as pulling cylinders or tension cylinders. Unlike typical hydraulic cylinders that are primarily designed for pushing or lifting applications, pulling cylinders are optimized for tasks that involve pulling loads or tensioning elements. Here are some key features and applications of hydraulic cylinders used for pulling tasks:

Single-Acting Configuration

Pulling cylinders are often single-acting, meaning hydraulic pressure is applied to extend the cylinder, and the retraction is achieved by an external force such as a spring or the load itself. This design is suitable for tasks where the pulling force is required in one direction.

Spring-Return Mechanism

Many pulling cylinders incorporate a spring-return mechanism to automatically retract the cylinder when hydraulic pressure is released. This simplifies the operation and allows for efficient use in repetitive tasks.

Cable and Wire Tensioning

Pulling cylinders are commonly used in applications where cables, wires, or other materials need to be tensioned. Bo nimûne, in bridge construction or cable-stayed structures, hydraulic pulling cylinders can be employed to provide the necessary tension.
Anchor and Cable Tensioning in Construction:

In construction applications, pulling cylinders are utilized for tasks such as anchor tensioning or cable tensioning in post-tensioned concrete structures. The cylinder pulls and tensions the cables to enhance structural integrity.
Marine and Offshore Applications:

Pulling cylinders find use in marine and offshore applications for tasks like tensioning mooring lines, lifting and tensioning equipment on ships, or pulling heavy loads onto vessels.

Mining and Quarrying

In mining and quarrying operations, pulling cylinders may be employed for tensioning wire ropes or cables used in various machinery for lifting and transporting materials.

Tieback Tensioning in Geotechnical Engineering

Pulling cylinders play a role in geotechnical engineering, particularly in soil and rock stabilization. They are used for tieback tensioning systems to provide stability to structures like retaining walls.

Pulling and Aligning Components in Manufacturing:

In manufacturing processes, pulling cylinders can be used for tasks such as aligning and tensioning components during assembly. The controlled pulling force ensures precise positioning.

Pipeline Stringing in Oil and Gas Industry:

Pulling cylinders are used in pipeline stringing operations in the oil and gas industry. They help pull sections of pipeline into position and tension them during the installation process.

Emergency and Rescue Operations

In emergency situations, pulling cylinders may be employed for rescue and recovery operations. They can be used to pull apart debris or structures to access trapped individuals.
When selecting a hydraulic cylinder for pulling tasks, factors such as load capacity, dirêjahiya lêdanê, vebijarkên lêdanê, and environmental conditions should be carefully considered. It’s essential to choose a pulling cylinder that meets the specific requirements of the task and ensures safe and efficient operation.

Features, Benefits And Typical Uses Of Locknut Hydraulic Cylinders

Locknut Hydraulic Cylinders

Load Holding for Extended Periods:

The primary characteristic of a locknut hydraulic cylinder is its capability for load holding over prolonged periods. This is especially advantageous in applications where a load needs to be securely held in a fixed position for an extended duration.
Available in Various Types:

Locknut feature is available across different types of hydraulic cylinders, including low height, lightweight, and high-tonnage models. Ev nermbûn dihêle ku li ser bingeha hewcedariyên taybetî yên serîlêdanê bijartina silindirek qefilî were hilbijartin.
Ewlekariya barkirinê:

Silindirên Locknut bêyî hewcedariya zexta hîdrolîk a domdar hilgirtina ewledar a barkirinê misoger dikin. Ev bi taybetî di serîlêdanên ku ewlehî û îstîqrara herî girîng e de girîng e.
Efficiency Energy:

Taybetmendiya locknut beşdarî karbidestiya enerjiyê dibe ji ber ku ew dihêle pergala hîdrolîk bêyî têketina hêzê ya domdar barê bigire., kêmkirina xerckirina enerjiyê.

Hebûna taybetmendiya qefilandinê di cûrbecûr silindirên cihêreng de van silindiran berbelav dike, minasib ji bo sepanên cihêreng bi daxwazên cihêreng.
Çêkirin û Meclîsa:

Silindirên hîdrolîk ên Locknut bi gelemperî di pêvajoyên hilberînê de têne bikar anîn ku pêdivî ye ku beş an hêman di dema kombûn an makînekirinê de bi ewlehî li cîhê xwe werin girtin..
Pêvajoyên Pîşesazî yên Giran:

Di pêvajoyên pîşesaziyê yên giran de, wek karê metal, forging, an zextê, Silindirên locknut dikarin barên giran ji bo demên dirêj ve ewle bikin.
Avakirin û Binesaziyê:

Silindirên Locknut di projeyên avakirin û binesaziyê de sepanê dibînin, li ku derê pêdivî ye ku bar di dema karên mîna hilgirtinê de bi ewlehî bêne girtin, positioning, an formwork.
Maintenance û Repair:

Di dema operasyonên lênêrînê û tamîrkirinê de, dema ku hêmanan ji bo vekolînê di pozîsyonek sabît de digirin, silindirên locknut dikarin sûdmend bin, welding, an jî prosedurên din.
Handling Material:

Silindirên Locknut di sepanên hilgirtina materyalê de ku lê bar dikin têne bikar anîn, bi taybetî yên giran an nazik, pêdivî ye ku bi ewlehî di cîhek taybetî de were girtin.
Fikrên ji bo silinderên hîdrolîk ên Locknut:
Kapasîteya barkirinê:

Silindirek hîdrolîk a kilîtkirî ya bi kapasîteya barkirinê ya guncan a ku bi hewcedariyên serîlêdanê re têkildar e hilbijêrin.
Mekanîzmaya Girtîkirinê:

Mekanîzmaya girtina silindirê fam bikin, gelo ew qefilandinek mekanîkî ye an celebek din a mekanîzmaya hilgirtina barkirinê ye.
Type Cylinder:

Tîpa rastê ya silindirê hilbijêrin (low height, lightweight, tonên bilind, etc.) li ser bingeha hewcedariyên taybetî yên serîlêdanê.
Şertên Jîngehê:

Mercên hawîrdorê yên ku dê silindir tê de bixebite bihesibînin û ji bo domdariyê silindirek bi materyalên guncan û dermankirinên rûkal hilbijêrin..
Yekbûnek bi Pergala Hîdraulîk:

Piştrast bikin ku silindera hîdrolîk a kilîtkirî di warê zextê de bi pergala hîdrolîk re bêkêmasî yek dibe., herrikîn, û lihevhatî.
Taybetmendiyên Ewlekariyê:

Assess any additional safety features offered by the cylinder, such as pressure relief valves or load-holding valves, to ensure safe and reliable operation.

What is single hydraulic cylinder

A single hydraulic cylinder, also known as a single-acting hydraulic cylinder, is a type of hydraulic actuator that operates with hydraulic fluid pressure in one direction only. It is a relatively simple design and is commonly used in various industrial and mobile applications where unidirectional force is sufficient to perform the required task. Here are key features and characteristics of a single hydraulic cylinder:

Unidirectional Operation:

A single hydraulic cylinder operates in one direction only. Hydraulic pressure is applied to one side of the piston, causing it to move in one direction (either extending or retracting). The return stroke is typically achieved by an external force, such as a spring or the load itself.
Basic Components:

The basic components of a single hydraulic cylinder include a cylinder barrel, destikê tifingê, rod (or plunger), mor dike, and ports for hydraulic fluid entry and exit. The hydraulic fluid is pressurized to extend the piston, and the return stroke is achieved by releasing the pressure.
Piston and Rod Design:

The piston is the component within the cylinder that separates the fluid on one side from the fluid on the other side. The rod, or plunger, is attached to the piston and extends through one end of the cylinder to provide the output force.
Spring Return Option:

Some single hydraulic cylinders feature a spring return mechanism. The spring assists in retracting the piston once hydraulic pressure is released. This design simplifies the hydraulic system and is often used in applications where the load itself is capable of providing the necessary return force.

Single hydraulic cylinders find applications in various industries, including construction, cotyarî, hilgirtina materyalê, and automotive. Common uses include lifting, rû, clamping, and other tasks where unidirectional force is sufficient.
Cost-Effective Design:

Single hydraulic cylinders are often more cost-effective than their double-acting counterparts because of their simpler design and reduced complexity.
Gravity or External Force for Return Stroke:

In situations where a spring is not used, the return stroke may be accomplished by gravity (for vertically oriented cylinders) or by an external force that assists in retracting the piston.
Versatility in Mounting:

Single hydraulic cylinders come in various mounting configurations, including tie-rod, welded, and other styles, providing versatility in how they can be integrated into different systems.
Compact Size:

Single hydraulic cylinders are available in compact sizes, making them suitable for applications where space is limited.
Safety Considerations:

Operators should be cautious during the release of pressure, as the return stroke relies on external forces. Safety measures are essential to prevent unintended movement.
While single hydraulic cylinders are suitable for many applications, it’s important to carefully consider the specific requirements of a task. If bidirectional force is necessary, a double-acting hydraulic cylinder may be a more appropriate choice.

What is porta power kit ?

A porta power kit, short for portable power kit, komek amûrek hîdrolîk a piralî ye ku bi gelemperî ji bo serîlêdanên giran ên wekî tamîrkirina otomotîvê tê bikar anîn, karê bedenê, avahî, û gelek karên din ên ku hewceyê hêza hîdrolîk a kontrolkirî hewce dike. Kit bi gelemperî silinderên hîdrolîk vedigire, pompek destan, hoses, pêvekên cuda, û accessories. Kîtên hêza Porta ji bo veguheztina xwe têne zanîn, hêsaniya bikaranîna, û şiyana peydakirina hêza hîdrolîk li cîhên girtî.

Pêkhateyên Kitek Hêza Porta:

Pumpa Hîdraulîk:

Pompeya destan pompek hîdrolîk a destan e ku zextê li şilava hîdrolîk dike da ku hêza ku ji bo xebitandina silindirên hîdrolîk hewce dike biafirîne.. Ew bi gelemperî bi destan tê xebitandin û çavkaniyek hêzek portable peyda dike.

Silindirên hîdrolîk:

Kîtên hêza Porta silindirên hîdrolîk ên cûrbecûr û veavakirin hene. Ev silindir dikarin ji bo pêxistinê werin bikar anîn, kişandin, hilgirtin, bending, an sepanên belavkirinê. Common types include single-acting and double-acting cylinders.

Ram Attachments:

The kit may come with different attachments or rams that can be connected to the hydraulic cylinders. These attachments vary in design and function, allowing for a wide range of applications.


High-pressure hydraulic hoses are included to connect the hydraulic pump to the cylinders. The hoses are flexible and allow the operator to position the cylinders in various orientations.

Couplers and Fittings:

Couplers and fittings are provided to secure the connections between the hydraulic pump, hoses, and cylinders. They ensure a secure and leak-free hydraulic system.

Pîvana zextê:

Some porta power kits include a pressure gauge to measure the hydraulic pressure. This helps operators control and monitor the force applied during various tasks.

Carrying Case:

Many porta power kits come with a sturdy carrying case or box for convenient storage and transportation. The case helps keep the components organized and protected.
Common Applications of Porta Power Kits:

Automotive Tamîr:

Porta power kits are frequently used in automotive repair for tasks such as straightening frames, bending metal, or aligning components.

Body Work:

In the automotive and collision repair industry, porta power kits are employed for tasks such as pushing out dents, aligning panels, or straightening bodywork.


Porta power kits are useful in construction for tasks like lifting heavy objects, aligning structures, or providing controlled force in confined spaces.

Industrial Maintenance:

Karên lênêrînê û tamîrkirinê di mîhengên pîşesazî yên cihêreng de bi gelemperî karanîna kîtên hêza porta ji bo karên wekî makîneyên hilgirtinê vedihewîne., aligning alavên, an jî li cîhê ku hewce ye hêzê bi kar tînin.

Operasyonên Rizgarkirinê:

Kîtên hêza Porta dikarin di operasyonên acîl û rizgarkirinê de werin bikar anîn da ku tiştên giran hildin an biguhezînin, vekirinan çêbikin, an strukturên stabîl bikin.

Handling Materyalên Giştî:

Ev kît ji bo karên giştî yên hilgirtina materyalê amûrên piralî ne, wek dehfdan, kişandin, hilgirtin, an çekirina materyalên cihêreng.

Nîqaş dema ku Kitên Hêza Porta bikar tînin:
Perwerdehiya Rast:

Pêdivî ye ku operator bi rêkûpêk li ser karanîna kîteyên hêza porta bêne perwerde kirin da ku xebata ewledar û bi bandor peyda bikin.

Kontrola Zextê:

Kontrolkirina baldar a zexta hîdrolîk pêdivî ye ku pêşî li zirara alavan an zirara karmendan bigire.

Hilbijartina Pêvek Rast:

Using the appropriate attachments for the task at hand is crucial for achieving the desired results.

Tedbîrên Ewlekariyê:

Follow safety guidelines and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when operating porta power kits.
Porta power kits are valuable tools in applications where hydraulic force needs to be applied in a controlled and portable manner. Their versatility and ease of use make them essential for a variety of tasks in different industries.

What is hydraulic hand pump? What is hydraulic electric pump? How to use them? And how to choose?

Pumpa Destê Hîdrolîk:

A hydraulic hand pump is a manually operated pump designed to generate hydraulic pressure by hand. It is commonly used in hydraulic systems where a portable and manually controlled power source is needed. Hydraulic hand pumps are often employed in applications such as hydraulic jacks, presses, and various other tools that require controlled hydraulic force.

How to Use a Hydraulic Hand Pump?

Position the Pump:

Place the hydraulic hand pump in a stable position, ensuring that it is securely anchored or attached to the hydraulic system.
Connect Hoses:

Attach hydraulic hoses to the pump’s inlet and outlet ports. Ensure proper connections to avoid leaks.
Prime the Pump (if necessary):

If the hydraulic system requires priming, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to fill the pump and hydraulic lines with fluid.
Operate the Pump Lever:

Pump the lever up and down. Each stroke of the lever pressurizes the hydraulic fluid, creating a flow of pressurized fluid to the connected hydraulic components.
Monitor Pressure and Fluid Flow:

Depending on the application, monitor pressure using a gauge (if available) and ensure that fluid is flowing as intended.
Cease Pumping:

Stop pumping once the desired pressure or fluid flow is achieved. Some hydraulic hand pumps may have a release valve to reduce pressure.
Secure Connections:

Carefully disconnect hoses, and secure all connections to prevent leaks.

Hydraulic Electric Pump:

A hydraulic electric pump is a pump powered by an electric motor to generate hydraulic pressure. These pumps are commonly used in applications where continuous and automated hydraulic power is required. Hydraulic electric pumps are versatile and find use in various industrial settings for tasks such as lifting, rû, bending, û hîn.

How to Use a Hydraulic Electric Pump:

Power Connection:

Connect the hydraulic electric pump to a power source using the appropriate power cord or connection. Ensure that the power supply matches the pump’s requirements.
Connect Hoses:

Attach hydraulic hoses to the pump’s inlet and outlet ports. Ensure proper connections to avoid leaks.
Prime the Pump (if necessary):

Some hydraulic electric pumps may require priming to ensure that the pump and hydraulic lines are filled with fluid before operation.
Turn On the Pump:

Switch on the electric pump using the control panel, switch, or remote control, depending on the pump’s design.
Monitor Operation:

Monitor the pump’s operation, including pressure, rêjeya herikînê, and any safety features. Many hydraulic electric pumps have built-in controls and indicators.
Cease Operation:

Turn off the electric pump once the desired pressure, rêjeya herikînê, or task is completed.
Disconnect Power:

Disconnect the pump from the power source when finished. Follow proper safety procedures to avoid electrical hazards.

How to Choose Pump?


Consider the specific application for which you need the pump, whether it’s lifting, rû, or other hydraulic tasks.
Flow Rate and Pressure:

Determine the required flow rate and pressure for your application. Different pumps are designed for varying levels of flow and pressure.
Çavkaniya Hêzê:

Choose between a hydraulic hand pump and a hydraulic electric pump based on the availability of a power source, the need for portability, and the frequency of use.
Fluid Compatibility:

Ensure that the pump is compatible with the type of hydraulic fluid you will be using.

Consider the operating environment. Bo nimûne, if the pump needs to be submerged, a submersible electric pump may be suitable.

Evaluate the maintenance requirements of the pump. Some pumps may require more frequent maintenance, while others are designed for long-term reliability with minimal upkeep.

Compare the initial cost, operating costs, and maintenance costs of different pump options to choose a cost-effective solution.
Brand Reputation:

Consider the reputation of the pump manufacturer. Established and reputable brands often provide higher-quality and more reliable pumps.
User-Friendly Features:

Look for features such as easy controls, built-in safety features, and user-friendly designs that match your preferences and skill level.
Noise Level:

Consider the noise level produced by the pump, especially if it will be used in residential or noise-sensitive environments.
By carefully assessing your specific needs and considering the factors mentioned above, hûn dikarin pompeya hîdrolîk a rast hilbijêrin - gelo ew pompek destan be an pompek elektrîkî be - ji bo serîlêdana xweya mebest.

Cylinder Pancake Hydraulic çi ye?

Silindirek pancake ya hîdrolîk celebek çalakkerek hîdrolîk a taybetî ye ku daîreyek vedihewîne., dîskê-wek dîskê. Mîna hevtayê wê yê pneumatîk, cylinder pancake hîdrolîk bi tevliheviya xwe ve tête diyar kirin, şiklê kêm-profile, çêkirina wê ji bo serîlêdanên ku cîh lê sînorkirî ye. Ev silindir bi karanîna şilava hîdrolîk dixebitin (bi gelemperî rûn) ji bo afirandina tevger an hêzek xêzik.

Taybetmendiyên sereke yên silindirên pancake yên hîdrolîk

Profîla Flat: Silindirê pancake-yê xêzkirî ye, profîla dîskê, cudakirina wê ji silindirên hîdrolîk ên silindrîk ên kevneşopî. Ev sêwirandin destûrê dide sazkirinê li cîhên teng û serîlêdanên bi sînorkirinên bilindbûnê.

Length Stroke kurt: Tîpîkî, silindirên pancake yên hîdrolîk li gorî silinderên hîdrolîk ên standard ji bo dirêjiyên lêdana kurttir têne çêkirin.. Dirêjahiya lêdanê bi dûrahiya ku piston di hundurê silinderê de dimeşe vedibêje.

Compact Size: Sêwirana daîre beşdarî mezinahiyek giştî ya tevlihev dibe, çêkirina silindirên pancake yên hîdrolîk ji bo sazkirinên di makîneyan an pergalên bi cîhê tixûbdar de maqûl e.

Operasyona Hîdraulîk: Ev silindir şilava hîdrolîk bikar tînin (wek rûn) wekî navgîna xebatê. Avêra hîdrolîk tê zext kirin da ku hêz an tevgerê di pistonê de biafirîne.

Applications: Silinderên pancake yên hîdrolîk di pîşesaziyên cihêreng de sepanan dibînin, tevî hilberînê, otomatîkî, û makîneyên. Ew bi gelemperî di senaryoyên ku dirêjek lêdanê kurttir bes e de têne bikar anîn, û sêwirana kompakt pêdivî ye.

Force Output: Dema ku silindirên pancake ji bo karbidestiya cîhê xwe têne zanîn, their force output may be limited compared to larger hydraulic cylinders. The force output is determined by factors such as the cylinder size, pressure, and piston area.

Materials: Hydraulic pancake cylinders are typically constructed using materials suitable for hydraulic applications, ensuring durability and resistance to hydraulic fluid.

These cylinders are valued for their ability to provide hydraulic actuation in applications where traditional cylindrical cylinders may not be practical due to spatial constraints. The choice of a hydraulic pancake cylinder is influenced by factors such as available space, force requirements, and the specific needs of the application.

Bi kurtî, a hydraulic pancake cylinder is a hydraulic actuator with a flat, dîskê-wek dîskê, offering a compact solution for applications with limited space or those requiring a shorter stroke length.

Differences Between Aluminium Hydraulic Cylinder And Normal Hydraulic Cylinders:

Differences Between Hydraulic Cylinder And Normal Hydraulic Cylinders:


Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Aluminum is a lightweight material, so aluminum hydraulic cylinders are generally lighter than their counterparts made of materials like steel.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Cylinders made of steel or other materials may be heavier, especially in heavy-duty applications.
Berxwedana Korozyonê:

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Aluminum has natural corrosion resistance, making aluminum cylinders suitable for applications where exposure to corrosive environments is a concern.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Materials like steel may require additional coatings or treatments to enhance corrosion resistance.
Belavkirina germê:

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Aluminum has good thermal conductivity, rê dide belavkirina germa bi bandor. Ev taybetmendî dikare di serîlêdanên ku pêdivî ye ku berhevkirina germê were rêvebirin de sûdmend be.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Taybetmendiyên belavbûna germê li gorî materyalê ku tê bikar anîn cûda dibe.

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Dema ku aluminium sivik e, dibe ku ew hêza wê wekî hin materyalên din ên mîna pola nebe. Lebê, pêşkeftinên di aligirên aluminiumê de rê li ber vebijarkên bi hêz-bilind vekiriye.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Materyalên wekî pola bi hêza xwe têne zanîn, çêkirina wan ji bo sepanên giran.

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Mesrefa çêkirina silindirên hîdrolîk ên aluminiumê dibe ku ji ya hin materyalan kêmtir be, çêkirina wan biha-bandor.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Dibe ku lêçûn li gorî materyalê hatî bikar anîn û pêdiviyên taybetî yên serîlêdanê cûda bibe.
Hilbijartina di navbera cylinder hîdrolîk aluminium û a “normal” cylinder hîdrolîk (bi gelemperî ji materyalên mîna pola têne çêkirin) depends on the specific needs of the application. Aluminum cylinders are favored in applications where weight, corrosion resistance, and thermal conductivity are critical considerations.

What is hydraulic pull cylinder and how to operate?

Silindirek kişandina hîdrolîk, also known as a hydraulic puller or hydraulic pulling cylinder, is a specialized hydraulic tool designed for pulling or extracting components such as bearings, gears, bushings, or pulleys from shafts, hubs, or other parts. These cylinders use hydraulic force to apply a controlled pulling motion, making them useful in applications where components are tightly fitted or press-fitted and need to be removed without causing damage.

Key Features of Hydraulic Pull Cylinders:

Hydraulic Actuation: Hydraulic pull cylinders operate on the principle of hydraulic fluid pressure. When hydraulic pressure is applied to the cylinder, it generates a pulling force that can be used to extract or pull components.

Controlled Force Application: One of the primary advantages of hydraulic pull cylinders is their ability to apply a controlled and precise pulling force. This control helps prevent damage to both the component being pulled and the surrounding machinery.

Single-Acting or Double-Acting: Hydraulic pullers can be either single-acting or double-acting. Single-acting cylinders apply force in one direction and rely on an external force (e.g., spring or manual effort) ji bo lêdana vegerê. Double-acting cylinders use hydraulic pressure for both extension and retraction.

Pirrengî: Hydraulic pull cylinders come in various designs and sizes, allowing for versatility in different applications. They may be equipped with features such as adjustable jaws, extension rods, or modular configurations to suit specific needs.

How to Operate a Hydraulic Pull Cylinder:


Ensure that the hydraulic puller and associated equipment are in good condition.
Select the appropriate size and type of pulling attachments or jaws for the specific application.

Attach the hydraulic puller to the component to be removed, ensuring that the pulling jaws securely grip the part. The jaws may be adjustable to accommodate different sizes.

Position the hydraulic puller and components in a way that allows for a straight and controlled pulling motion.
Connect Hydraulic Hoses:

Connect hydraulic hoses from the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic puller. Ensure that the connections are secure.
Applying Hydraulic Pressure:

Start the hydraulic pump to apply pressure to the hydraulic puller cylinder. As hydraulic pressure increases, the cylinder exerts a pulling force on the attached component.
Monitoring and Adjusting:

Monitor the progress of the pulling operation. If needed, adjust the position or alignment of the hydraulic puller for optimal force application.
Component Extraction:

As the hydraulic puller applies force, the tightly fitted component should gradually begin to move or be completely extracted from the shaft, hub, or other parts.
Release Pressure:

Dema ku operasyona kişandinê qediya, release the hydraulic pressure and disconnect the hydraulic hoses.
Repeat or Move to Next Component:

If multiple components need to be removed, repeat the process for each one. Otherwise, disassemble the hydraulic puller for storage.
Safety Considerations:

Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and safety recommendations for the specific hydraulic puller being used.
Amûrên parastina kesane yên guncan li xwe bikin, including safety glasses and gloves.
Ensure proper alignment and positioning to prevent damage to components or the hydraulic puller.
Use a hydraulic pump with the correct pressure capacity for the hydraulic puller.
By following these steps and adhering to safety guidelines, operators can efficiently and safely use hydraulic pull cylinders to remove press-fitted components in various industrial applications.

What is production hydraulic cylinder?

A production hydraulic cylinder, often referred to as an industrial hydraulic cylinder, is a type of hydraulic actuator designed for use in production and manufacturing processes. Van silindir di sepanên cûrbecûr yên pîşesaziyê de ku ji bo tevgerê hêza xêzikê ya kontrolkirî hewce ye de rolek girîng dilîzin, rewş, an jî pêkhateyan wekî beşek ji xeta hilberîn an pergala hilberînê manîpule bikin.

Taybetmendiyên sereke yên silinderên hîdrolîk ên hilberîna LONGLOOD:

Avakirina Heavy-Duty: Silindirên hîdrolîk ên hilberandinê bi gelemperî bi materyal û avahîsaziyek zexm têne çêkirin ku li hember dijwariyên hawîrdorên hilberîna pîşesaziyê bisekinin..

Performansa High-Cycle: Ev silindir ji bo karanîna pir caran têne çêkirin, çêkirina wan ji bo serîlêdanên ku performansa bilind-cycle pêdivî ye, wekî di pêvajoyên hilberîna domdar de.

Precision û Control: Silindirên hîdrolîk ên hilberandinê li ser tevgera xêzik kontrolek rast peyda dikin, di pêvajoya çêkirinê de rê dide pozîsyona rast a pêkhate an amûran.

Pirrengî: These cylinders are versatile and can be adapted to various manufacturing tasks, including lifting, rû, clamping, dehf didin, an kişandin, depending on the specific requirements of the production line.

Mounting Configurations: Production hydraulic cylinders are designed with different mounting configurations to facilitate easy integration into machinery and production systems. This can include collar threads, base threaded holes, plunger end threads, and various attachment options like foot mounts, flange mounts, retainer nuts, and clevis eyes.

Sealing and Lubrication: Special attention is given to sealing mechanisms to prevent hydraulic fluid leakage and ensure efficient operation. Lubrication is often incorporated to reduce friction and wear, contributing to the longevity of the cylinder.

Compatibility with Hydraulic Systems: These cylinders are compatible with hydraulic systems that include hydraulic pumps, valves, and hoses. The integration allows for centralized control and automation in production processes.

How to Operate a Production Hydraulic Cylinder?


Ensure that the hydraulic cylinder and associated equipment are in good condition.
Select the appropriate size and type of hydraulic cylinder for the specific application.

Mount the hydraulic cylinder securely in the desired position within ew machinery or production system.
Connect Hydraulic Hoses:

Connect hydraulic hoses from the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic cylinder. Ensure that the connections are secure.

Position the production hydraulic cylinder and components in a way that allows for a straight and controlled linear motion.
Applying Hydraulic Pressure:

Start the hydraulic pump to apply pressure to the hydraulic cylinder. As hydraulic pressure increases, the cylinder extends or retracts, depending on its design and application.
Monitoring and Adjusting:

Monitor the movement of the hydraulic cylinder and the components it is interacting with. If needed, adjust the pressure or position for optimal performance.
Component Manipulation:

Use the hydraulic cylinder to manipulate or position components according to the requirements of the production process. This can include lifting, rû, clamping, dehf didin, an kişandina karan.
Release Pressure:

Once the desired operation is complete, release the hydraulic pressure and disconnect the hydraulic hoses.
Repeat or Move to Next Operation:

If multiple operations are required, repeat the process for each one. Otherwise, prepare the hydraulic cylinder for the next production task.
Safety Considerations:

Always follow the LONGLOOD’S guidelines and safety recommendations for the specific production hydraulic cylinder being used.
Amûrên parastina kesane yên guncan li xwe bikin, including safety glasses and gloves.
Ensure proper alignment and positioning to prevent damage to components or the hydraulic cylinder.

Use a hydraulic pump with the correct pressure capacity for the hydraulic cylinder.
By following these steps and adhering to safety guidelines, operators can efficiently and safely use production hydraulic cylinders to perform various tasks in industrial production and manufacturing settings.

What Is Single-Acting Hollow Plunger Hydraulic Cylinder?

A Single-Acting Hollow Plunger Hydraulic Cylinder is a type of hydraulic actuator designed for specific applications where the cylinder needs to both push and pull loads, and there is a need for a hollow plunger. This type of hydraulic cylinder is classified assingle-actingbecause hydraulic pressure is applied only in one direction, typically for extending the plunger. The return stroke, or retraction of the plunger, is achieved by an external force such as a spring or the load itself.

Li vir çend taybetmendiyên sereke yên LONGLOOD Single-Acting Hollow Plunger Cylinder Hydraulic:

Design Plunger Hollow:

Plunger, an rod, ya silindera hîdrolîk xwedan hundurê vala ye. Ev sêwirandin dihêle ku silindir ji bo serîlêdanên ku pêdivî ye ku silindir hem bikişîne û hem jî bikişîne were bikar anîn, û li cihê ku cîhê vala dikare rodek an kabloyek bicîh bike da ku karên kişandinê pêk bîne.

Serlêdana Hêza Hîdraulîk:

Hydraulic pressure is applied to one side of the piston, causing the plunger to extend. Ev hêza hîdrolîk tê bikaranîn ku li hember an hilkişandina barek.

Bihar an Vegera Barkirinê:

Vekişîna pilingê (stroke vegere) bi gelemperî ji hêla hêzek derveyî ve tê bidestxistin, wek bihara ku di nav silindirê de an jî giraniya barkirinê bixwe. Ev sêwirandin pergala hîdrolîk hêsan dike û hewcedariya pêkhateyên hîdrolîk ên zêde kêm dike.

Operasyona Yek-Acting:

Wek tê gotin, the hydraulic pressure is applied only in one direction, making it a single-acting cylinder. The other direction of movement relies on an external force.


Pulling Tasks: The hollow plunger design is particularly useful for applications where pulling tasks are required, such as cable or bar tensioning, extracting bearings, or any task where a rod or cable needs to pass through the plunger.

Limited Space: The hollow plunger design is beneficial in situations where space is limited, and a telescopic or other design may not be suitable.

Serlêdanên Pirrjimar: Suitable for various industrial applications where a combination of pushing and pulling forces is needed.

What Is Double-Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder?

A Double-Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder is a type of hydraulic actuator designed for applications where hydraulic force is required in both the extending and retracting strokes, and it features a hollow plunger. This type of hydraulic cylinder is considereddouble-actingbecause hydraulic pressure can be applied on both sides of the piston, allowing for controlled movement in both directions.

Here are the key features of LONGLOOD Double-Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder:

Design Plunger Hollow: Similar to the single-acting version, the double-acting hollow hydraulic cylinder has a hollow plunger or rod. This design allows for versatility in applications where both pushing and pulling forces are required, and a rod or cable can pass through the hollow interior.

Hydraulic Force in Both Directions: Hydraulic pressure can be applied to either side of the piston, enabling force to be generated in both the extending and retracting strokes. This allows for controlled and precise movements in both directions.

Dual Hydraulic Ports: Double-acting cylinders typically have two hydraulic ports, allowing hydraulic fluid to be directed into either end of the cylinder depending on the desired direction of motion.

Pirrengî di Serîlêdanan de:

Push and Pull Tasks: Well-suited for applications that require both pushing and pulling forces, such as lifting and lowering loads, pushing or pulling objects, or tensioning cables.

Increased Control: The ability to apply hydraulic force in both directions provides more control over the movement of the cylinder, making it suitable for tasks that require precision.

Reduced External Forces: Unlike single-acting cylinders that rely on external forces (e.g., springs or loads) for retraction, double-acting cylinders can use hydraulic pressure for controlled retraction.

Applications in Limited Space: Like the single-acting version, the hollow plunger design can be beneficial in applications where space is limited, and a telescopic or other design may not be suitable.