Our Cross Bearing Puller Sets are designed to offer precise hydraulic control, хурдан хангах, үр ашигтай, болон аюулгүй татах үйл ажиллагаа. Энд гол онцлогууд байна:
Нарийвчилсан гидравлик удирдлага: Нарийн гидравлик удирдлагатай, our puller sets enable accurate and controlled pulling, allowing for efficient and safe extraction of bearings and other components.
Хуурамч ган эд ангиуд: Өндөр чанартай хуурамч гангаар урласан, the components of our puller sets provide superior reliability and service. This ensures durability and longevity, even in demanding industrial environments.
Ерөнхий, our Cross Bearing Puller Sets offer a combination of precise hydraulic control and high-quality forged steel components, making them reliable and efficient tools for various pulling applications in industrial settings.
Загвар: BHP 561G
Макс. Хүрэх:354 – 863 мм
Макс. Тархалт:266 – 570 мм