learn about single acting and double acting cylinders, their differences, applications, pros, and cons. Discover the right choice for your hydraulic system needs.

Hydraulic Cylinders and Jacking Systems: Elevate Your Operations with LONGLOOD

LONGLOOD’s extensive range of hydraulic cylinders and jacking systems, setting the standard for excellence in manufacturing. As a major industry player in China, we directly provide our customers worldwide with cutting-edge jacking and lifting solutions at factory-direct prices, ensuring affordability without compromising on quality.

Direct manufacturer of Hydraulic Cylinders, competitive factory-direct prices.


Table of Contents

Different Types Of Hydraulic Cylinders LONGLOOD supplies

  • Single-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

LONGLOOD offers single-acting hydraulic cylinders, which are the simplest type. These cylinders apply hydraulic force through a single port, typically for plunger extension. The return to the starting position is facilitated either by the load’s weight or by a built-in return spring.

LONGLOOD provides double-acting hydraulic cylinders, utilizing hydraulic flow for both advancing and retracting the plunger. Equipped with two connection ports, these cylinders require a compatible pump to provide hydraulic flow in both directions. The advantages include faster and more controlled retraction, making them suitable for applications requiring push and pull forces with repeatable accuracy.

  • Hydraulic Cylinders for Pulling Applications

Hydraulické valce LONGLOOD na ťahanie sú navrhnuté pre úlohy, ako je napínanie káblov a tyčí. Typicky jednočinné s vratnou pružinou.

LONGLOOD ponúka cylindrické vložky s poistnými maticami, ideálne pre aplikácie vyžadujúce predĺžené držanie nákladu. Táto funkcia je dostupná pre rôzne typy valcov, vrátane nízka výška, ľahký, alebo vysokotonážne modely.

  • Hydraulické valce s dutým plunžrom LONGLOOD

Tiež známe ako valce so stredovou dierou, dodáva ťažnú aj tlačnú silu. S vnútorným závitom na pripevnenie k ťahanému predmetu, prichádzajú jednočinný alebo dvojčinný varianty, oceľové alebo hliníkové konštrukcie, a môže zahŕňať odnímateľné sedlá a oceľové základné dosky.

  • Teleskopické hydraulické valce

Teleskopické hydraulické valce LONGLOOD poskytujú rozšírené možnosti zdvihu v stiesnených priestoroch. The telescopic action allows lifting loads to a greater distance without temporary cribbing. When choosing a telescopic cylinder, users should consider the maximum load capacity, which decreases as it extends.

  • Lightweight Hydraulic Cylinders

LONGLOOD offers aluminum hydraulic cylinders suitable for various applications. Combining capacity and strength with lighter weight, aluminum cylinders are easier to transport and position. Resistant to corrosion, they are well-suited for caustic environments and are available in standard configurations with hardened steel saddles and base plates.

  • Tie-Rod Hydraulic Cylinders

LONGLOOD’s tie-rod cylinders are constructed with a head, base, and cylinder barrel connected by tie-rods. These offerings from LONGLOOD provide a comprehensive range to meet various operational requirements.

Why Use Hydraulic Locks

Hydraulic locks, also known as hydraulic locking mechanisms, are utilized in various applications for specific purposes. Here are some common reasons why hydraulic locks are used:

Load Holding:

Hydraulic locks are often employed to hold loads in a fixed position. By using a hydraulic locking mechanism, the system can maintain stability and prevent undesired movements or drift.

Safety and Security:

In applications where safety is a critical concern, hydraulic locks provide a secure means of preventing unintentional movement. This is especially important in situations where there may be human operators or workers in proximity to hydraulic equipment.
Positioning Accuracy:

Hydraulické zámky sa používajú na dosiahnutie presného polohovania komponentov alebo systémov. Hydraulickým uzamykaním určitých prvkov, zaisťuje presnosť umiestnenia a vyrovnania strojov alebo nástrojov.

Úspora energie:

Hydraulické zámky môžu prispieť k úspore energie v hydraulických systémoch. Uzamknutím valca v určitej polohe, eliminuje potrebu neustáleho dodávania hydraulického tlaku na udržanie tejto polohy, čo vedie k úsporám energie.

Systémy núdzového brzdenia:

Hydraulické zámky sú integrované do niektorých systémov núdzovej brzdy. V prípade poruchy alebo havarijnej situácie, hydraulický zámok sa môže aktivovať, aby zastavil pohyb a zabránil ďalšiemu poškodeniu alebo zraneniu.

Manipulácia s ťažkým nákladom:

V aplikáciách, kde je potrebné zdvíhať alebo manipulovať s ťažkými bremenami, hydraulické zámky poskytujú prostriedky na bezpečné držanie nákladu v polohe bez neustálej potreby hydraulického tlaku.

Kontrolovaný pohyb:

Hydraulické zámky prispievajú k riadenému a regulovanému pohybu v hydraulických systémoch. Zabezpečujú, že pohyby prebiehajú presne a nie sú ovplyvnené vonkajšími silami.

Znížená netesnosť hydraulického systému:

Pomocou hydraulických zámkov, odpadá potreba konštantného hydraulického tlaku na udržanie špecifickej polohy. To môže znížiť riziko úniku hydraulického systému a prispieť k celkovej účinnosti systému.

Zabránenie driftu:

Hydraulické zámky účinne zabraňujú driftu, čo sa týka pomalého, neúmyselný pohyb hydraulických pohonov v dôsledku vnútornej netesnosti. Zámok zaisťuje, že pohon zostane v požadovanej polohe bez unášania.

Vylepšená stabilita v ťažkých zariadeniach:

V ťažkých strojoch, ako sú žeriavy, bagre, alebo nakladače, hydraulické zámky prispievajú k stabilite pri zdvíhaní alebo nakladaní. Pomáhajú predchádzať náhlym pohybom alebo kolapsom, ktoré by mohli byť nebezpečné.

Je dôležité poznamenať, že použitie hydraulických zámkov závisí od konkrétnych požiadaviek aplikácie. Rozhodnutie začleniť hydraulické zámky do systému je založené na faktoroch, ako sú bezpečnostné predpisy, požiadavky na presnosť, charakteristiky zaťaženia, a prevádzkové úvahy.

Ako identifikovať hydraulický valec ?

Identifikácia hydraulického valca zahŕňa preskúmanie jeho fyzikálnych vlastností, označenia, a špecifikácie.

Príručky, ktoré vám pomôžu identifikovať hydraulický valec:

Fyzikálne vyšetrenie

Veľkosť a tvar: Zmerajte fyzické rozmery valca, vrátane priemeru otvoru, priemer tyče, a celková dĺžka. Tieto informácie pomáhajú určiť veľkosť valca.
Štýl montáže: Všimnite si štýl montáže, čo môže byť vidlica, príruba, čapu, alebo iné konfigurácie. To je rozhodujúce pre pochopenie toho, ako je valec pripevnený k zariadeniu.

Špecifikácie valca

Prevádzkový tlak: Identifikujte maximálny prevádzkový tlak valca. Tieto informácie sú dôležité na zabezpečenie toho, aby náhradná fľaša spĺňala požiadavky systému.

Priemer otvoru a tyče

Potvrďte priemer otvoru (vnútorný priemer valca) a priemer tyče (vonkajší priemer tyče). Tieto špecifikácie ovplyvňujú silu a rýchlostné schopnosti valca.

Dĺžka zdvihu

Určite dĺžku zdvihu, čo je maximálna vzdialenosť, ktorú môže tyč prejsť dovnútra a von z valca.

Mounting Configuration

End Mounts: Examine the end mounts or attachment points of the cylinder. Note the type of mounts, such as clevis, príruba, or trunnion mounts. This helps in identifying the cylinder’s application.

Rod End Features

Rod End Attachments: Check if the rod end has any attachments or features, such as eyes or clevises. This can indicate specific functions or applications.

Seal Type

Seals and Gaskets: Inspect the seals and gaskets on the cylinder. Different types of seals, such as rod seals and piston seals, serve specific purposes and can provide insights into the cylinder’s design.

Check for Wear or Damage

Wear Patterns: Look for wear patterns on the rod and cylinder body. Excessive wear or damage may indicate issues with the cylinder’s operation or maintenance.

11 Kroky na výber správneho hydraulického valca

Krok 1: Definujte požiadavky na aplikáciu:

Jasne pochopte požiadavky aplikácie, vrátane nosnosti, dĺžka zdvihu, prevádzkové prostredie, a rýchlosť prevádzky.
Určite požiadavky na zaťaženie a silu:

Vypočítajte silu alebo zaťaženie, ktoré musí hydraulický valec zvládnuť. Uistite sa, že vybraný valec má dostatočnú nosnosť pre danú aplikáciu.

Krok 2: Vyberte Typ valca:

Zvážte typ hydraulického valca na základe potrieb vašej aplikácie. Bežné typy zahŕňajú jednočinné, dvojčinný, teleskopický, a ako vyššie uvedené typy. Každý typ má špecifické výhody a obmedzenia.

Krok 3:Zvážte prevádzkové prostredie:

Vyhodnoťte podmienky prostredia, v ktorých bude hydraulický valec fungovať. Faktory ako teplota, vlhkosť, a vystavenie korozívnym látkam môže ovplyvniť výber materiálov a náterov.

Krok 4:Určite dĺžku zdvihu:

Určite požadovanú dĺžku zdvihu, čo je vzdialenosť, ktorú potrebuje hydraulický valec na pohyb. Uistite sa, že vybraný valec poskytuje potrebný zdvih na splnenie požiadaviek aplikácie.

Krok 5:Vyhodnoťte požiadavky na rýchlosť:

Zvážte rýchlosť, pri ktorej musí hydraulický valec pracovať. Rôzne aplikácie môžu vyžadovať rôzne rýchlosti, a konštrukcia valca by mala spĺňať tieto požiadavky.

Krok 6:Skontrolujte možnosti montáže:

Posúďte dostupný priestor a možnosti montáže pre hydraulický valec. Vyberte si dizajn valca, ktorý vyhovuje priestorovým obmedzeniam a ponúka vhodné montážne konfigurácie.

Krok 7: Vyberte Materiál valca:

Choose the cylinder material based on the specific environmental conditions and the type of load it will handle. Common materials include steel, nehrdzavejúca oceľ, and aluminum, each with its own set of advantages.

Krok 8: Review Seal and Bearing Materials:

Pay attention to the seals and bearings used in the hydraulic cylinder. Ensure they are compatible with the hydraulic fluid and can withstand the operating conditions to prevent leaks and premature wear.

Krok 9: Consider Cylinder Features:

Evaluate additional features such as cushioning for controlled deceleration, position feedback devices, and rod coatings for enhanced durability. Select features that enhance the overall performance and longevity of the hydraulic cylinder.

Krok 10: Check Certification and Standards:

Verify that the hydraulic cylinder complies with industry standards and certifications. To zaručuje, že spĺňa požiadavky na bezpečnosť a výkon.

Požiadajte o radu LONGLOOD, Sme poprednými výrobcami a dodávateľmi vysokotonážnych hydraulických valcov. Vieme poskytnúť odborné znalosti, odporučiť vhodné možnosti na základe vašej aplikácie, a pomôcť s akýmikoľvek špecifickými potrebami prispôsobenia.

Krok 11: Úvahy o rozpočte:

Zohľadnite rozpočtové obmedzenia a porovnajte rôzne možnosti hydraulických valcov na základe nákladovej efektívnosti a dlhodobej spoľahlivosti.

Dôkladným zvážením týchto faktorov a konzultáciou s našimi odborníkmi na predaj, môžete si vybrať vhodný hydraulický valec, ktorý vyhovuje špecifickým potrebám vašej aplikácie, zabezpečenie optimálneho výkonu a dlhej životnosti. Ak máte ďalšie otázky, kontaktujte nás.

Príručky o tom, ako zladiť hydraulický valec s čerpadlom?

hydraulic pump and cylinder sets

Pochopenie základov

Základy hydraulického systému:

A hydraulic system consists of components like pumps, cylinders, ventily, and hoses. The pump generates hydraulic pressure, which is transmitted through the fluid to actuate the cylinder.

Types of Hydraulic Pumps We Use:

Piston Pumps: More complex compared with gear pump, capable of higher pressures, and suitable for heavy-duty applications.

Determining Hydraulic Cylinder Requirements:

Definujte požiadavky na aplikáciu:

Understand the specific requirements of your application, including load capacity, rýchlosť, and stroke length.
Calculate Force and Pressure:

Calculate the force required to move the load using the hydraulic cylinder. Pressure is then determined by dividing force by the cylinder area.

Determine Cylinder Type:

Choose the appropriate type of hydraulic cylinder (jednočinný, dvojčinný, etc.) based on your application needs.

Selecting the Right Pump:
We use piston pumps handle higher pressures.

Consider Flow Requirements:

Determine the required flow rate of the hydraulic fluid, usually measured in gallons per minute (GPM). The pump’s flow rate should meet or exceed the system’s requirements.

Check Pressure Rating:

Ensure the pump’s pressure rating matches or exceeds the pressure required by the hydraulic cylinder. Consider safety factors and potential pressure spikes during operation.

Account for Efficiency:

Consider the efficiency of the pump. Efficiency affects the amount of input power needed to generate hydraulic pressure. Higher efficiency reduces energy consumption.

Evaluate Pump Size

Select a pump size that complements the cylinder’s size and speed requirements. The pump should be capable of delivering the necessary flow and pressure for efficient cylinder operation.

Ensuring Compatibility:

Skontrolujte pripojenie čerpadla a valca:

Uistite sa, že čerpadlo a hydraulický valec majú kompatibilné pripojovacie rozhrania, vrátane armatúr, prístavov, a veľkosti závitov.

Zvážte kompatibilitu tekutín:

Overte, či je použitá hydraulická kvapalina kompatibilná s čerpadlom aj s valcom. Nekompatibilné kvapaliny môžu viesť k degradácii tesnenia a zlyhaniu systému.

Hľadáte profesionálov od našich odborníkov

Môžeme poskytnúť cenné informácie na základe požiadaviek vašej konkrétnej aplikácie.

Preskúmajte dynamiku systému:

Zvážte celkovú dynamiku systému, vrátane súhry medzi čerpadlom, valec, a ďalšie komponenty. Neefektívnosť systému môže vzniknúť v dôsledku nesúladu komponentov.

Testovanie a nastavenie

Vykonajte systémové testy:

Vykonajte testy s vybraným čerpadlom a valcom, aby ste sa uistili, že fungujú harmonicky. Monitorujte výkon systému a v prípade potreby vykonajte úpravy.

Pravidelná údržba

Implementujte plán pravidelnej údržby, aby ste zabezpečili dlhú životnosť a účinnosť hydraulického systému.

Uchovávajte záznamy:
Uchovávajte záznamy o špecifikáciách čerpadla a valca, prevádzkové parametre, a všetky vykonané úpravy. Táto dokumentácia je cenná pre riešenie problémov a budúce referencie.


Zosúladenie hydraulického valca s čerpadlom zahŕňa podrobné pochopenie aplikácie, požiadavky na zaťaženie, a dynamiku systému. Postupujte podľa týchto krokov a požiadajte o odbornú radu od našich odborníkov na predaj, môžete zabezpečiť dobre prispôsobený a efektívny hydraulický systém pre vaše špecifické potreby. Nákup od výrobcu hydraulických valcov v Číne, ako je LONGLOOD, vám môže ušetriť veľa času.

Na čo slúži dutý hydraulický valec?

Dutý hydraulický valec, tiež známy ako valec s dutým plunžrom alebo valec so stredovou dierou, je typ hydraulického valca, ktorý má dutý stred pozdĺž dĺžky piestnej tyče. Tento dizajn má špecifické aplikácie, kde sa dutý priestor využíva na konkrétny účel. Tu sú bežné použitia dutých hydraulických valcov:

Napínacie aplikácie:

Duté hydraulické valce sa často používajú v aplikáciách, kde sa vyžaduje napínacia alebo ťažná sila. Dutý priestor umožňuje prechod tyče alebo kábla stredom, umožnenie, aby valec pôsobil silou a zároveň sa prispôsobil predĺženej dĺžke napínaného materiálu.
Napínanie káblov a drôtov:

V odvetviach ako je stavebníctvo, budova mosta, alebo káblové konštrukcie, duté hydraulické valce sa používajú na napínanie káblov alebo drôtov. The cables can be threaded through the hollow center of the cylinder, and hydraulic pressure is applied to generate the required tension.
Pipe and Tube Bending:

Hollow hydraulic cylinders are used in pipe and tube bending machines. The hollow space allows the cylinder to engage with the pipe or tube while accommodating the material being bent. This is common in applications such as metal fabrication and construction.
Material Pulling and Holding:

Hollow cylinders are suitable for applications where materials need to be pulled or held in place. The central opening allows for the passage of materials through the cylinder, facilitating processes like pulling, holding, or clamping.
Rescue and Recovery Operations:

In emergency situations, hollow hydraulic cylinders can be used for rescue and recovery operations. Napríklad, môžu byť použité na zdvíhanie alebo ťahanie ťažkých predmetov alebo konštrukcií v stiesnených priestoroch, kde dutý priestor uľahčuje použitie káblov alebo tyčí.
Hydraulické napínače:

Duté hydraulické valce sa bežne používajú v hydraulických napínacích systémoch, kde sa vyžaduje presné a kontrolované napínanie skrutiek alebo spojovacích prvkov. Dutá konštrukcia umožňuje vloženie napínacieho nástroja cez valec, zabezpečenie presného a efektívneho napínania.
Testovanie a kalibrácia:

Duté valce môžu byť použité v testovacích a kalibračných aplikáciách, kde je potrebné použiť silu alebo napätie na rôzne materiály alebo komponenty. Centrálny otvor obsahuje testovacie zariadenie alebo zariadenia.
Hydraulické zdviháky s dizajnom s priechodným otvorom:

Niektoré hydraulické zdviháky, najmä tie, ktoré sú určené pre špecializované aplikácie, feature a through-hole design. This allows for versatile use where materials, tools, or components can pass through the jack during operation.
The key advantage of hollow hydraulic cylinders is their versatility in accommodating additional materials or structures through the central opening, making them suitable for applications where tensioning, pulling, or passing through materials is necessary.

What is plunger in hydraulic cylinder?

In a hydraulic cylinder, the plunger is a critical component that moves back and forth within the cylinder to generate linear motion. The plunger is also commonly referred to as the piston or rod, and it is typically attached to a piston head or directly to the end of the piston. The termspiston” a “plungerare often used interchangeably in the context of hydraulic cylinders.

Here are the key features and functions of the plunger in a hydraulic cylinder:


The plunger is a cylindrical rod that extends from one end of the hydraulic cylinder. It is typically made of high-strength materials such as steel to withstand the forces and pressures involved in hydraulic applications.
Attachment to Piston:

In some hydraulic cylinders, the plunger is connected to a piston head, forming a single unit. The piston and plunger work together to displace hydraulic fluid within the cylinder and generate linear motion.

The plunger is equipped with seals, such as O-rings or other types of hydraulic seals, to prevent hydraulic fluid from leaking between the inside and outside of the cylinder. Proper sealing is crucial for the efficiency and reliability of the hydraulic system.
Lineárny pohyb:

Keďže hydraulický tlak je aplikovaný na jednu stranu piestu, generuje silu, ktorá spôsobuje, že sa piest pohybuje lineárne vo valci. Tento lineárny pohyb sa potom používa na vykonávanie rôznych mechanických úloh, ako je zdvíhanie, tlačenie, alebo ťahaním.
Jednočinný vs. Dvojčinné valce:

V jednočinných hydraulických valcoch, hydraulický tlak sa aplikuje na jednu stranu piesta, spôsobí vysunutie piestu. Spätný zdvih sa typicky dosahuje vonkajšou silou (ako je gravitácia alebo pružina). V dvojčinných valcoch, hydraulický tlak pôsobí na obe strany piesta, umožňujúce vysúvanie a zasúvanie piestu na základe smeru hydraulického tlaku.
Ukončiť prílohy:

Koniec piestu môže mať rôzne nástavce alebo montážne prvky, v závislosti od konkrétnej aplikácie. These attachments may include eyes, clevises, or other connection points for linking the plunger to external components.
Guidance and Alignment:

The plunger is guided and aligned within the hydraulic cylinder to ensure smooth and precise movement. Bearings or other guiding mechanisms may be incorporated to minimize friction and wear.
Materials and Coatings:

Plungers are often made from materials with high tensile strength and may be coated or treated for enhanced durability and resistance to wear, korózia, or other environmental factors.
Understanding the role and characteristics of the plunger in a hydraulic cylinder is essential for designing and selecting the appropriate hydraulic system for a given application. The plunger’s movement translates hydraulic pressure into mechanical work, allowing hydraulic cylinders to perform a wide range of tasks in various industries.

What is high tonnage hydraulic cylinder?

Key features and characteristics of high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders include:

High Load Capacity:

High-tonnage hydraulic cylinders are engineered to handle loads that exceed the capacity of standard hydraulic cylinders. They can generate substantial force, typically ranging from hundreds to thousands of tons.
Large Bore Sizes:

These cylinders often have larger bore sizes compared to standard cylinders. The larger bore allows for a greater volume of hydraulic fluid to act on the piston, resulting in higher force generation.
Robust Construction:

High-tonnage cylinders are constructed with heavy-duty materials to withstand the extreme forces and loads they are intended to handle. This includes the use of high-strength alloy steels and advanced manufacturing techniques.
High-Pressure Operation:

These cylinders are designed to operate at high hydraulic pressures to achieve the necessary force. The hydraulic system supplying the cylinder may include high-pressure pumps and components to meet the requirements of the application.
Special Sealing Systems:

Due to the high forces involved, high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders often incorporate specialized sealing systems to ensure effective sealing and prevent hydraulic fluid leakage. This includes robust seals and packing arrangements.
Versatile Mounting Options:

High-tonnage cylinders come with versatile mounting options to accommodate different installation requirements. This flexibility allows for integration into various heavy machinery and industrial equipment.
Extended Stroke Lengths:

These cylinders may be designed to offer extended stroke lengths, allowing for a wide range of motion in applications where significant travel is required.
Customization for Specific Applications:

High-tonnage hydraulic cylinders are often customized based on the specific needs of the application. This may include tailored dimensions, special rod coatings, or unique end attachments.

Common applications for high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders include heavy lifting equipment, metal forming presses, forging presses, mining equipment, shipyard machinery, and other heavy industrial processes.
Safety Considerations:

Due to the immense forces involved, safety is a critical consideration when working with high-tonnage hydraulic cylinders. Proper installation, údržbu, and adherence to safety standards are essential.
It’s important to note that the termhigh-tonnageis relative and may vary depending on the industry and application.

How to Select the Right Hydraulic Hose ?

Selecting the right hydraulic hose for your project is crucial to ensure optimal performance, bezpečnosť, and longevity. Here are some key steps and considerations to help guide you in choosing the right hydraulic hose:

Understand System Requirements:

Know the pressure, temperature, and flow rate requirements of your hydraulic system. These factors will influence the type and specifications of the hose needed.
Determine Hose Size:

Choose the appropriate hose size based on the flow rate and velocity required for your application. The hose size must match the system’s demands to prevent inefficiencies or potential damage.
Zvážte kompatibilitu tekutín:

Ensure that the hydraulic hose is compatible with the type of hydraulic fluid used in your system. Different hoses are designed to withstand various types of hydraulic fluids, including oil, water, and synthetic fluids.
Check Temperature Range:

Verify the temperature range of the hydraulic system. Select a hydraulic hose that can withstand the temperature extremes of your operating environment. Consider both the fluid temperature and the ambient temperature.
Evaluate Hose Construction:

Hydraulic hoses come in different constructions, such as rubber, thermoplastic, or hybrid materials. Consider the specific requirements of your application and the conditions the hose will face, including abrasion, flexibility, and weight.
Determine Pressure Rating:

Understand the maximum working pressure of your hydraulic system. Vyberte si hydraulickú hadicu s menovitým tlakom, ktorý presahuje maximálny tlak vo vašom systéme, aby ste zabezpečili bezpečnostnú rezervu.
Posúďte koncové pripojenia hadice:

Vyberte si koncovky hadice, ktoré sú kompatibilné s komponentmi vášho systému. Bežné koncové pripojenia zahŕňajú JIC, NPT, SAE, a ďalšie. Zabezpečte správne nasadenie, aby ste zabránili úniku a zachovali integritu systému.
Zvážte polomer ohybu:

Vyhodnoťte minimálny polomer ohybu hydraulickej hadice. To je rozhodujúce pre aplikácie s úzkymi priestormi alebo zložitým smerovaním. Neprekračujte minimálny polomer ohybu, aby ste predišli poškodeniu hadice.
Zohľadnite dĺžku hadice:

Určite požadovanú dĺžku hadice na základe rozloženia vášho hydraulického systému. Vyhnite sa nadmernej dĺžke hadíc, pretože môžu viesť k poklesu tlaku a ovplyvniť výkon systému.
Faktor v podmienkach prostredia:

Consider the environmental conditions the hydraulic hose will face, such as exposure to sunlight, chemicals, or abrasive materials. Choose a hose with the appropriate cover material to withstand these conditions.
Check Compliance and Certification:

Ensure that the hydraulic hose meets industry standards and certifications. Look for markings indicating compliance with specifications such as SAE, ISO, or DIN standards.
Consult with Suppliers:

How to Spot a Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinder?

You can spot a double-acting cylinder by looking for the following characteristics:

Number of Ports:

A double-acting cylinder will have two connection ports—typically one on each end. This is in contrast to single-acting cylinders, which have only one port.
Rod End and Cap End:

Double-acting cylinders often have designations such asrod end” a “cap end.These refer to the two ends of the cylinder where hydraulic fluid is applied to extend or retract the piston.
Piston Rod:

Observe the piston rod. In a double-acting cylinder, the piston rod can extend and retract based on the application of hydraulic pressure to either end.
Application Context:

Consider the application context. Double-acting cylinders are commonly used in situations where bidirectional force and controlled movement are required, such as in material handling equipment, hydraulic presses, and manufacturing processes.
Kompatibilita s hydraulickým čerpadlom:

Double-acting cylinders require a compatible hydraulic pump that can provide hydraulic flow in both directions. The presence of a hydraulic pump with bidirectional capabilities is indicative of a double-acting system.
Control Valves and Lines:

V hydraulických systémoch s dvojčinnými valcami, môžete nájsť ovládacie ventily a hydraulické vedenia, ktoré uľahčujú riadený prietok hydraulickej kvapaliny na obe strany valca.

Hydraulické valce používané na ťahanie

Hydraulické valce používané na ťahanie sú špeciálne navrhnuté tak, aby vyvíjali silu v smere sťahovania. Tieto valce sa často označujú ako ťažné valce alebo napínacie valce. Na rozdiel od typických hydraulických valcov, ktoré sú primárne určené na tlačenie alebo zdvíhanie, ťažné valce sú optimalizované pre úlohy, ktoré zahŕňajú ťahanie bremien alebo napínacích prvkov. Tu sú niektoré kľúčové vlastnosti a aplikácie hydraulických valcov používaných na ťahanie:

Jednočinná konfigurácia

Ťažné valce sú často jednočinné, meaning hydraulic pressure is applied to extend the cylinder, and the retraction is achieved by an external force such as a spring or the load itself. This design is suitable for tasks where the pulling force is required in one direction.

Spring-Return Mechanism

Many pulling cylinders incorporate a spring-return mechanism to automatically retract the cylinder when hydraulic pressure is released. This simplifies the operation and allows for efficient use in repetitive tasks.

Napínanie káblov a drôtov

Pulling cylinders are commonly used in applications where cables, wires, or other materials need to be tensioned. Napríklad, in bridge construction or cable-stayed structures, hydraulic pulling cylinders can be employed to provide the necessary tension.
Anchor and Cable Tensioning in Construction:

In construction applications, pulling cylinders are utilized for tasks such as anchor tensioning or cable tensioning in post-tensioned concrete structures. The cylinder pulls and tensions the cables to enhance structural integrity.
Marine and Offshore Applications:

Pulling cylinders find use in marine and offshore applications for tasks like tensioning mooring lines, lifting and tensioning equipment on ships, or pulling heavy loads onto vessels.

Mining and Quarrying

In mining and quarrying operations, pulling cylinders may be employed for tensioning wire ropes or cables used in various machinery for lifting and transporting materials.

Tieback Tensioning in Geotechnical Engineering

Pulling cylinders play a role in geotechnical engineering, particularly in soil and rock stabilization. They are used for tieback tensioning systems to provide stability to structures like retaining walls.

Pulling and Aligning Components in Manufacturing:

In manufacturing processes, pulling cylinders can be used for tasks such as aligning and tensioning components during assembly. The controlled pulling force ensures precise positioning.

Pipeline Stringing in Oil and Gas Industry:

Pulling cylinders are used in pipeline stringing operations in the oil and gas industry. They help pull sections of pipeline into position and tension them during the installation process.

Emergency and Rescue Operations

In emergency situations, pulling cylinders may be employed for rescue and recovery operations. They can be used to pull apart debris or structures to access trapped individuals.
When selecting a hydraulic cylinder for pulling tasks, factors such as load capacity, dĺžka zdvihu, možnosti montáže, and environmental conditions should be carefully considered. It’s essential to choose a pulling cylinder that meets the specific requirements of the task and ensures safe and efficient operation.

Features, Benefits And Typical Uses Of Locknut Hydraulic Cylinders

Locknut Hydraulic Cylinders

Load Holding for Extended Periods:

The primary characteristic of a locknut hydraulic cylinder is its capability for load holding over prolonged periods. This is especially advantageous in applications where a load needs to be securely held in a fixed position for an extended duration.
Available in Various Types:

Locknut feature is available across different types of hydraulic cylinders, including low height, ľahký, and high-tonnage models. This flexibility allows for the selection of a locknut cylinder based on the specific requirements of the application.
Load Security:

Locknut cylinders ensure the secure holding of a load without the need for continuous hydraulic pressure. This is particularly crucial in applications where safety and stability are paramount.
Energetická efektívnosť:

The locknut feature contributes to energy efficiency since it allows the hydraulic system to hold the load without continuous power input, reducing energy consumption.

The availability of the locknut feature in different cylinder types makes these cylinders versatile, suitable for various applications with diverse requirements.
Manufacturing and Assembly:

Locknut hydraulic cylinders are commonly used in manufacturing processes where parts or components need to be held securely in place during assembly or machining.
Heavy-Duty Industrial Processes:

In heavy-duty industrial processes, such as metalworking, forging, or pressing, locknut cylinders can secure heavy loads for extended periods.
Stavebníctvo a infraštruktúra:

Locknut cylinders find application in construction and infrastructure projects, where loads need to be securely held during tasks like lifting, positioning, or formwork.
Maintenance and Repair:

During maintenance and repair operations, locknut cylinders can be beneficial when holding components in a fixed position for inspection, zváranie, or other procedures.
Material Handling:

Locknut cylinders are used in material handling applications where loads, especially heavy or delicate ones, need to be securely held in a specific position.
Considerations for Locknut Hydraulic Cylinders:
Load Capacity:

Select a locknut hydraulic cylinder with an appropriate load capacity that matches the requirements of the application.
Locking Mechanism:

Understand the locking mechanism of the cylinder, whether it’s a mechanical locknut or another type of load-holding mechanism.
Cylinder Type:

Choose the right type of cylinder (nízka výška, ľahký, high-tonnage, etc.) based on the specific needs of the application.
Environmental Conditions:

Consider the environmental conditions in which the cylinder will operate and select a cylinder with appropriate materials and surface treatments for durability.
Integration with Hydraulic System:

Ensure that the locknut hydraulic cylinder integrates seamlessly with the hydraulic system in terms of pressure, tok, and compatibility.
Bezpečnostné prvky:

Assess any additional safety features offered by the cylinder, such as pressure relief valves or load-holding valves, to ensure safe and reliable operation.

What is single hydraulic cylinder

A single hydraulic cylinder, also known as a single-acting hydraulic cylinder, is a type of hydraulic actuator that operates with hydraulic fluid pressure in one direction only. It is a relatively simple design and is commonly used in various industrial and mobile applications where unidirectional force is sufficient to perform the required task. Here are key features and characteristics of a single hydraulic cylinder:

Unidirectional Operation:

A single hydraulic cylinder operates in one direction only. Hydraulic pressure is applied to one side of the piston, causing it to move in one direction (either extending or retracting). Spätný zdvih sa typicky dosahuje vonkajšou silou, such as a spring or the load itself.
Basic Components:

The basic components of a single hydraulic cylinder include a cylinder barrel, piston, rod (or plunger), tesnenia, and ports for hydraulic fluid entry and exit. The hydraulic fluid is pressurized to extend the piston, and the return stroke is achieved by releasing the pressure.
Piston and Rod Design:

The piston is the component within the cylinder that separates the fluid on one side from the fluid on the other side. The rod, or plunger, is attached to the piston and extends through one end of the cylinder to provide the output force.
Spring Return Option:

Some single hydraulic cylinders feature a spring return mechanism. The spring assists in retracting the piston once hydraulic pressure is released. This design simplifies the hydraulic system and is often used in applications where the load itself is capable of providing the necessary return force.

Single hydraulic cylinders find applications in various industries, including construction, poľnohospodárstvo, manipulácia s materiálom, and automotive. Common uses include lifting, lisovanie, upnutie, and other tasks where unidirectional force is sufficient.
Cost-Effective Design:

Single hydraulic cylinders are often more cost-effective than their double-acting counterparts because of their simpler design and reduced complexity.
Gravity or External Force for Return Stroke:

In situations where a spring is not used, the return stroke may be accomplished by gravity (for vertically oriented cylinders) or by an external force that assists in retracting the piston.
Versatility in Mounting:

Single hydraulic cylinders come in various mounting configurations, including tie-rod, welded, and other styles, providing versatility in how they can be integrated into different systems.
Compact Size:

Single hydraulic cylinders are available in compact sizes, making them suitable for applications where space is limited.
Safety Considerations:

Operators should be cautious during the release of pressure, as the return stroke relies on external forces. Safety measures are essential to prevent unintended movement.
While single hydraulic cylinders are suitable for many applications, it’s important to carefully consider the specific requirements of a task. If bidirectional force is necessary, a double-acting hydraulic cylinder may be a more appropriate choice.

What is porta power kit ?

A porta power kit, short for portable power kit, is a versatile hydraulic tool set commonly used for heavy-duty applications such as automotive repair, body work, výstavby, and various other tasks that require controlled hydraulic force. The kit typically includes hydraulic cylinders, a hand pump, hadice, various attachments, and accessories. Porta power kits are known for their portability, jednoduchosť použitia, and the ability to provide hydraulic power in confined spaces.

Components of a Porta Power Kit:

Hydraulické čerpadlo:

The hand pump is a manual hydraulic pump that pressurizes the hydraulic fluid to create the force needed to operate the hydraulic cylinders. It is typically operated by hand and provides a portable power source.

Hydraulic Cylinders:

Porta power kits include hydraulic cylinders of various sizes and configurations. These cylinders can be used for pushing, pulling, zdvíhanie, ohýbanie, or spreading applications. Common types include single-acting and double-acting cylinders.

Ram Attachments:

The kit may come with different attachments or rams that can be connected to the hydraulic cylinders. These attachments vary in design and function, allowing for a wide range of applications.


High-pressure hydraulic hoses are included to connect the hydraulic pump to the cylinders. The hoses are flexible and allow the operator to position the cylinders in various orientations.

Couplers and Fittings:

Couplers and fittings are provided to secure the connections between the hydraulic pump, hadice, and cylinders. They ensure a secure and leak-free hydraulic system.


Some porta power kits include a pressure gauge to measure the hydraulic pressure. This helps operators control and monitor the force applied during various tasks.

Carrying Case:

Many porta power kits come with a sturdy carrying case or box for convenient storage and transportation. The case helps keep the components organized and protected.
Common Applications of Porta Power Kits:

Oprava automobilov:

Porta power kits are frequently used in automotive repair for tasks such as straightening frames, bending metal, or aligning components.

Body Work:

In the automotive and collision repair industry, porta power kits are employed for tasks such as pushing out dents, aligning panels, or straightening bodywork.


Porta power kits are useful in construction for tasks like lifting heavy objects, aligning structures, or providing controlled force in confined spaces.

Industrial Maintenance:

Maintenance and repair tasks in various industrial settings often involve the use of porta power kits for tasks such as lifting machinery, vyrovnávacie zariadenie, or applying force where needed.

Rescue Operations:

Porta power kits can be utilized in emergency and rescue operations to lift or move heavy objects, create openings, or stabilize structures.

General Material Handling:

These kits are versatile tools for general material handling tasks, such as pushing, pulling, zdvíhanie, or bending various materials.

Considerations when Using Porta Power Kits:
Proper Training:

Operators should be properly trained on the use of porta power kits to ensure safe and effective operation.

Pressure Control:

Careful control of hydraulic pressure is essential to prevent damage to equipment or injury to personnel.

Correct Attachment Selection:

Using the appropriate attachments for the task at hand is crucial for achieving the desired results.

Bezpečnostné opatrenia:

Follow safety guidelines and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when operating porta power kits.
Porta power kits are valuable tools in applications where hydraulic force needs to be applied in a controlled and portable manner. Their versatility and ease of use make them essential for a variety of tasks in different industries.

What is hydraulic hand pump? What is hydraulic electric pump? How to use them? And how to choose?

Hydraulické ručné čerpadlo:

A hydraulic hand pump is a manually operated pump designed to generate hydraulic pressure by hand. It is commonly used in hydraulic systems where a portable and manually controlled power source is needed. Hydraulic hand pumps are often employed in applications such as hydraulic jacks, presses, and various other tools that require controlled hydraulic force.

How to Use a Hydraulic Hand Pump?

Position the Pump:

Place the hydraulic hand pump in a stable position, ensuring that it is securely anchored or attached to the hydraulic system.
Connect Hoses:

Attach hydraulic hoses to the pump’s inlet and outlet ports. Ensure proper connections to avoid leaks.
Prime the Pump (if necessary):

If the hydraulic system requires priming, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to fill the pump and hydraulic lines with fluid.
Operate the Pump Lever:

Pump the lever up and down. Each stroke of the lever pressurizes the hydraulic fluid, creating a flow of pressurized fluid to the connected hydraulic components.
Monitor Pressure and Fluid Flow:

Depending on the application, monitor pressure using a gauge (if available) and ensure that fluid is flowing as intended.
Cease Pumping:

Stop pumping once the desired pressure or fluid flow is achieved. Some hydraulic hand pumps may have a release valve to reduce pressure.
Secure Connections:

Carefully disconnect hoses, and secure all connections to prevent leaks.

Hydraulic Electric Pump:

A hydraulic electric pump is a pump powered by an electric motor to generate hydraulic pressure. These pumps are commonly used in applications where continuous and automated hydraulic power is required. Hydraulic electric pumps are versatile and find use in various industrial settings for tasks such as lifting, lisovanie, ohýbanie, a viac.

How to Use a Hydraulic Electric Pump:

Power Connection:

Connect the hydraulic electric pump to a power source using the appropriate power cord or connection. Ensure that the power supply matches the pump’s requirements.
Connect Hoses:

Attach hydraulic hoses to the pump’s inlet and outlet ports. Ensure proper connections to avoid leaks.
Prime the Pump (if necessary):

Some hydraulic electric pumps may require priming to ensure that the pump and hydraulic lines are filled with fluid before operation.
Turn On the Pump:

Switch on the electric pump using the control panel, switch, or remote control, depending on the pump’s design.
Monitor Operation:

Monitor the pump’s operation, including pressure, prietok, and any safety features. Many hydraulic electric pumps have built-in controls and indicators.
Cease Operation:

Turn off the electric pump once the desired pressure, prietok, or task is completed.
Disconnect Power:

Disconnect the pump from the power source when finished. Follow proper safety procedures to avoid electrical hazards.

How to Choose Pump?


Consider the specific application for which you need the pump, whether it’s lifting, lisovanie, or other hydraulic tasks.
Flow Rate and Pressure:

Determine the required flow rate and pressure for your application. Different pumps are designed for varying levels of flow and pressure.
Zdroj energie:

Choose between a hydraulic hand pump and a hydraulic electric pump based on the availability of a power source, the need for portability, and the frequency of use.
Fluid Compatibility:

Ensure that the pump is compatible with the type of hydraulic fluid you will be using.

Consider the operating environment. Napríklad, if the pump needs to be submerged, a submersible electric pump may be suitable.

Evaluate the maintenance requirements of the pump. Some pumps may require more frequent maintenance, while others are designed for long-term reliability with minimal upkeep.

Compare the initial cost, operating costs, and maintenance costs of different pump options to choose a cost-effective solution.
Brand Reputation:

Consider the reputation of the pump manufacturer. Established and reputable brands often provide higher-quality and more reliable pumps.
User-Friendly Features:

Look for features such as easy controls, built-in safety features, and user-friendly designs that match your preferences and skill level.
Noise Level:

Consider the noise level produced by the pump, especially if it will be used in residential or noise-sensitive environments.
By carefully assessing your specific needs and considering the factors mentioned above, you can choose the right hydraulic pump—whether it’s a hand pump or an electric pump—for your intended application.

What is Hydraulic Pancake Cylinder?

A hydraulic pancake cylinder is a specific type of hydraulic actuator that features a flat, disk-like design. Rovnako ako jeho pneumatický náprotivok, the hydraulic pancake cylinder is characterized by its compact, low-profile shape, making it well-suited for applications where space is limited. These cylinders operate using hydraulic fluid (zvyčajne olej) to generate linear motion or force.

Key features of hydraulic pancake cylinders

Flat Profile: The pancake cylinder has a flattened, disk-shaped profile, distinguishing it from traditional cylindrical hydraulic cylinders. This design allows for installation in tight spaces and applications with height restrictions.

Short Stroke Length: Typically, hydraulic pancake cylinders are designed for shorter stroke lengths compared to standard hydraulic cylinders. The stroke length refers to the distance the piston travels inside the cylinder.

Compact Size: The flat design contributes to a compact overall size, making hydraulic pancake cylinders suitable for installations in machinery or systems with limited space.

Hydraulic Operation: These cylinders use hydraulic fluid (such as oil) as the working medium. The hydraulic fluid is pressurized to create force or movement in the piston.

Aplikácie: Hydraulic pancake cylinders find applications in various industries, vrátane výroby, automation, and machinery. They are often used in scenarios where a shorter stroke length is sufficient, and a compact design is essential.

Force Output: While pancake cylinders are known for their space efficiency, their force output may be limited compared to larger hydraulic cylinders. The force output is determined by factors such as the cylinder size, pressure, and piston area.

Materials: Hydraulic pancake cylinders are typically constructed using materials suitable for hydraulic applications, ensuring durability and resistance to hydraulic fluid.

These cylinders are valued for their ability to provide hydraulic actuation in applications where traditional cylindrical cylinders may not be practical due to spatial constraints. The choice of a hydraulic pancake cylinder is influenced by factors such as available space, force requirements, and the specific needs of the application.

V súhrne, a hydraulic pancake cylinder is a hydraulic actuator with a flat, disk-like design, offering a compact solution for applications with limited space or those requiring a shorter stroke length.

Differences Between Aluminium Hydraulic Cylinder And Normal Hydraulic Cylinders:

Differences Between Hydraulic Cylinder And Normal Hydraulic Cylinders:


Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Aluminum is a lightweight material, so aluminum hydraulic cylinders are generally lighter than their counterparts made of materials like steel.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Cylinders made of steel or other materials may be heavier, especially in heavy-duty applications.
Odolnosť proti korózii:

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Aluminum has natural corrosion resistance, making aluminum cylinders suitable for applications where exposure to corrosive environments is a concern.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Materials like steel may require additional coatings or treatments to enhance corrosion resistance.
Heat Dissipation:

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: Aluminum has good thermal conductivity, allowing for effective heat dissipation. This feature can be advantageous in applications where heat buildup needs to be managed.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: The heat dissipation properties may vary depending on the material used.

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: While aluminum is lightweight, it may not have the same strength as some other materials like steel. Avšak, advancements in aluminum alloys have led to high-strength options.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: Materials like steel are known for their strength, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.

Aluminum Hydraulic Cylinder: The cost of manufacturing aluminum hydraulic cylinders may be lower than that of some materials, making them cost-effective.
Normal Hydraulic Cylinder: The cost may vary based on the material used and the specific requirements of the application.
The choice between an aluminum hydraulic cylinder and anormalhydraulic cylinder (typically made of materials like steel) depends on the specific needs of the application. Aluminum cylinders are favored in applications where weight, corrosion resistance, and thermal conductivity are critical considerations.

What is hydraulic pull cylinder and how to operate?

Hydraulický ťahací valec, also known as a hydraulic puller or hydraulic pulling cylinder, is a specialized hydraulic tool designed for pulling or extracting components such as bearings, ozubené kolesá, bushings, or pulleys from shafts, hubs, or other parts. These cylinders use hydraulic force to apply a controlled pulling motion, making them useful in applications where components are tightly fitted or press-fitted and need to be removed without causing damage.

Key Features of Hydraulic Pull Cylinders:

Hydraulic Actuation: Hydraulic pull cylinders operate on the principle of hydraulic fluid pressure. When hydraulic pressure is applied to the cylinder, it generates a pulling force that can be used to extract or pull components.

Controlled Force Application: One of the primary advantages of hydraulic pull cylinders is their ability to apply a controlled and precise pulling force. This control helps prevent damage to both the component being pulled and the surrounding machinery.

Single-Acting or Double-Acting: Hydraulic pullers can be either single-acting or double-acting. Single-acting cylinders apply force in one direction and rely on an external force (napr., spring or manual effort) pre spätný zdvih. Double-acting cylinders use hydraulic pressure for both extension and retraction.

Všestrannosť: Hydraulic pull cylinders come in various designs and sizes, allowing for versatility in different applications. They may be equipped with features such as adjustable jaws, extension rods, or modular configurations to suit specific needs.

How to Operate a Hydraulic Pull Cylinder:


Ensure that the hydraulic puller and associated equipment are in good condition.
Select the appropriate size and type of pulling attachments or jaws for the specific application.

Attach the hydraulic puller to the component to be removed, ensuring that the pulling jaws securely grip the part. The jaws may be adjustable to accommodate different sizes.

Position the hydraulic puller and components in a way that allows for a straight and controlled pulling motion.
Connect Hydraulic Hoses:

Connect hydraulic hoses from the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic puller. Ensure that the connections are secure.
Applying Hydraulic Pressure:

Start the hydraulic pump to apply pressure to the hydraulic puller cylinder. So zvyšujúcim sa hydraulickým tlakom, the cylinder exerts a pulling force on the attached component.
Monitoring and Adjusting:

Monitor the progress of the pulling operation. If needed, adjust the position or alignment of the hydraulic puller for optimal force application.
Component Extraction:

As the hydraulic puller applies force, the tightly fitted component should gradually begin to move or be completely extracted from the shaft, hub, or other parts.
Release Pressure:

Po dokončení ťahania, release the hydraulic pressure and disconnect the hydraulic hoses.
Repeat or Move to Next Component:

If multiple components need to be removed, repeat the process for each one. Otherwise, disassemble the hydraulic puller for storage.
Safety Considerations:

Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and safety recommendations for the specific hydraulic puller being used.
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety glasses and gloves.
Ensure proper alignment and positioning to prevent damage to components or the hydraulic puller.
Use a hydraulic pump with the correct pressure capacity for the hydraulic puller.
By following these steps and adhering to safety guidelines, operators can efficiently and safely use hydraulic pull cylinders to remove press-fitted components in various industrial applications.

What is production hydraulic cylinder?

A production hydraulic cylinder, often referred to as an industrial hydraulic cylinder, is a type of hydraulic actuator designed for use in production and manufacturing processes. These cylinders play a crucial role in various industrial applications where controlled linear force is required to move, position, or manipulate components as part of a production line or manufacturing system.

Key Features of LONGLOOD Production Hydraulic Cylinders:

Heavy-Duty Construction: Production hydraulic cylinders are typically built with robust materials and construction to withstand the rigors of industrial production environments.

High-Cycle Performance: These cylinders are designed to endure frequent use, making them suitable for applications where high-cycle performance is essential, such as in continuous manufacturing processes.

Precision and Control: Production hydraulic cylinders provide precise control over linear movement, allowing for accurate positioning of components or tools in the manufacturing process.

Všestrannosť: These cylinders are versatile and can be adapted to various manufacturing tasks, including lifting, lisovanie, upnutie, tlačenie, alebo ťahaním, depending on the specific requirements of the production line.

Mounting Configurations: Production hydraulic cylinders are designed with different mounting configurations to facilitate easy integration into machinery and production systems. This can include collar threads, base threaded holes, plunger end threads, and various attachment options like foot mounts, flange mounts, retainer nuts, and clevis eyes.

Sealing and Lubrication: Special attention is given to sealing mechanisms to prevent hydraulic fluid leakage and ensure efficient operation. Lubrication is often incorporated to reduce friction and wear, contributing to the longevity of the cylinder.

Compatibility with Hydraulic Systems: These cylinders are compatible with hydraulic systems that include hydraulic pumps, ventily, and hoses. The integration allows for centralized control and automation in production processes.

How to Operate a Production Hydraulic Cylinder?


Ensure that the hydraulic cylinder and associated equipment are in good condition.
Select the appropriate size and type of hydraulic cylinder for the specific application.

Mount the hydraulic cylinder securely in the desired position within a machinery or production system.
Connect Hydraulic Hoses:

Connect hydraulic hoses from the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic cylinder. Ensure that the connections are secure.

Position the production hydraulic cylinder and components in a way that allows for a straight and controlled linear motion.
Applying Hydraulic Pressure:

Start the hydraulic pump to apply pressure to the hydraulic cylinder. So zvyšujúcim sa hydraulickým tlakom, the cylinder extends or retracts, depending on its design and application.
Monitoring and Adjusting:

Monitor the movement of the hydraulic cylinder and the components it is interacting with. If needed, adjust the pressure or position for optimal performance.
Component Manipulation:

Use the hydraulic cylinder to manipulate or position components according to the requirements of the production process. This can include lifting, lisovanie, upnutie, tlačenie, or pulling tasks.
Release Pressure:

Once the desired operation is complete, release the hydraulic pressure and disconnect the hydraulic hoses.
Repeat or Move to Next Operation:

If multiple operations are required, repeat the process for each one. Otherwise, prepare the hydraulic cylinder for the next production task.
Safety Considerations:

Always follow the LONGLOOD’S guidelines and safety recommendations for the specific production hydraulic cylinder being used.
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety glasses and gloves.
Ensure proper alignment and positioning to prevent damage to components or the hydraulic cylinder.

Use a hydraulic pump with the correct pressure capacity for the hydraulic cylinder.
By following these steps and adhering to safety guidelines, operators can efficiently and safely use production hydraulic cylinders to perform various tasks in industrial production and manufacturing settings.

What Is Single-Acting Hollow Plunger Hydraulic Cylinder?

A Single-Acting Hollow Plunger Hydraulic Cylinder is a type of hydraulic actuator designed for specific applications where the cylinder needs to both push and pull loads, and there is a need for a hollow plunger. This type of hydraulic cylinder is classified as “jednočinný” because hydraulic pressure is applied only in one direction, typically for extending the plunger. The return stroke, or retraction of the plunger, is achieved by an external force such as a spring or the load itself.

Here are some key features of LONGLOOD Single-Acting Hollow Plunger Hydraulic Cylinder:

Hollow Plunger Design:

The plunger, or rod, of the hydraulic cylinder has a hollow interior. This design allows the cylinder to be used for applications where the cylinder needs to both push and pull, and where the hollow space can accommodate a rod or cable to perform pulling tasks.

Hydraulic Force Application:

Hydraulic pressure is applied to one side of the piston, spôsobí vysunutie piestu. This hydraulic force is used to push against or lift a load.

Spring or Load Return:

The retraction of the plunger (return stroke) is typically achieved by an external force, such as a spring integrated into the cylinder or the weight of the load itself. This design simplifies the hydraulic system and reduces the need for additional hydraulic components.

Single-Acting Operation:

As mentioned, the hydraulic pressure is applied only in one direction, making it a single-acting cylinder. The other direction of movement relies on an external force.


Pulling Tasks: The hollow plunger design is particularly useful for applications where pulling tasks are required, such as cable or bar tensioning, extracting bearings, or any task where a rod or cable needs to pass through the plunger.

Limited Space: The hollow plunger design is beneficial in situations where space is limited, and a telescopic or other design may not be suitable.

Všestranné aplikácie: Suitable for various industrial applications where a combination of pushing and pulling forces is needed.

What Is Double-Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder?

A Double-Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder is a type of hydraulic actuator designed for applications where hydraulic force is required in both the extending and retracting strokes, and it features a hollow plunger. This type of hydraulic cylinder is considered “dvojčinný” because hydraulic pressure can be applied on both sides of the piston, allowing for controlled movement in both directions.

Here are the key features of LONGLOOD Double-Acting Hollow Hydraulic Cylinder:

Hollow Plunger Design: Similar to the single-acting version, the double-acting hollow hydraulic cylinder has a hollow plunger or rod. This design allows for versatility in applications where both pushing and pulling forces are required, and a rod or cable can pass through the hollow interior.

Hydraulic Force in Both Directions: Hydraulic pressure can be applied to either side of the piston, enabling force to be generated in both the extending and retracting strokes. This allows for controlled and precise movements in both directions.

Dual Hydraulic Ports: Double-acting cylinders typically have two hydraulic ports, allowing hydraulic fluid to be directed into either end of the cylinder depending on the desired direction of motion.

Versatility in Applications:

Push and Pull Tasks: Well-suited for applications that require both pushing and pulling forces, such as lifting and lowering loads, pushing or pulling objects, or tensioning cables.

Increased Control: The ability to apply hydraulic force in both directions provides more control over the movement of the cylinder, making it suitable for tasks that require precision.

Reduced External Forces: Na rozdiel od jednočinných valcov, ktoré sa spoliehajú na vonkajšie sily (napr., pružiny alebo záťaže) na stiahnutie, dvojčinné valce môžu využívať hydraulický tlak na kontrolované zaťahovanie.

Aplikácie v obmedzenom priestore: Rovnako ako jednočinná verzia, dizajn dutého piestu môže byť výhodný v aplikáciách s obmedzeným priestorom, and a telescopic or other design may not be suitable.