A 10-ton capacity, 254mm stroke, long stroke double-acting hydraulic cylinder is a specialized hydraulic actuator designed for applications requiring extended stroke lengths and precise control over both extending and retracting movements. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:


Способан да врши максималну силу 10 тона, making it suitable for medium-duty pressing, lifting, and positioning tasks.
Дужина удараца:

Offers a stroke length of 254mm (10 inches), providing an extended range of motion for applications requiring deeper penetration or elongated movements.
Дизајн са двоструким дејством:

Double-acting functionality allows the cylinder to extend and retract using hydraulic pressure, providing versatility and control over both forward and backward movements.
Long Stroke Design:

Specifically engineered for applications that demand extended stroke lengths, such as deep pressing, ударање, формирање, or lifting operations.

Изграђен од челичних или легура високог чврстоће да би се током рада издржали високи притисци и велики теретни терет током рада.

Equipped with durable seals to prevent hydraulic fluid leakage and ensure reliable performance over extended periods of use.
Опције монтирања:

May feature various mounting options, such as threaded end caps or clevis mounts, to facilitate easy installation and integration into hydraulic systems or machinery.

Погодно за широк спектар индустријских апликација, укључујући обраду метала, аутомобилске, конструкција, производња, и руковање материјалом.
Commonly used for pressing, ударање, савијање, lifting, clamping, and positioning tasks where extended stroke lengths are required.
Control and Safety:

Provides precise control over the extending and retracting movements, allowing operators to achieve accurate positioning and application of force.
May include safety features such as overload protection valves or pressure relief valves to prevent overloading and ensure operator safety during operation.

Редовни преглед и одржавање печата, нивои хидрауличке течности, и укупно стање цилиндра су од суштинског значаја за обезбеђивање оптималних перформанси и дуговечности.
Праћење препорука произвођача за распореде и процедуре одржавања је кључно за спречавање застоја и продужавање животног века хидрауличног цилиндра.
Укратко, a 10-ton capacity, 254mm stroke, long stroke double-acting hydraulic cylinder is a versatile and reliable hydraulic actuator designed for applications requiring extended stroke lengths and precise control over both extending and retracting movements. Its robust construction, double-acting functionality, and extended stroke design make it well-suited for a variety of industrial tasks across different sectors.