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What's hydraulic bolting tools

Hydraulic bolting tools, also known as hydraulic torque wrenches or hydraulic torque tools, are specialized devices used for tightening or loosening bolts and nuts with high precision and efficiency. These tools utilize hydraulic pressure to apply controlled torque to fasteners, making them particularly useful in industries where accurate and reliable bolted connections are crucial. Hydraulic bolting tools are commonly employed in construction, iṣelọpọ, epo kẹmika, power generation, and other industries. Here are key features and aspects of hydraulic bolting tools:

Key Components and Features:

Hydraulic Actuation:

Hydraulic bolting tools are powered by hydraulic fluid, typically provided by a hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pressure generated by the pump is used to actuate the tool and apply torque to the fastener.

Torque Accuracy:

Hydraulic torque wrenches provide precise control over the applied torque, ensuring that bolts are tightened to specific specifications. This accuracy is crucial in applications where over-tightening or under-tightening can have serious consequences.

Various Torque Ranges:

Hydraulic bolting tools come in a range of torque capacities to suit different applications. High-torque models are available for heavy-duty industrial use, while lower-torque models are suitable for lighter applications.

A List Of Bolting Tools supplied by LONGLOOD.

Each of these Bolting tools plays a specific role in bolting applications, particularly in industrial settings where precise torque and tension control are crucial. Here’s a brief overview of each tool:

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioner Pump:

Purpose: Used to apply controlled tension to bolts in a variety of applications.
Awọn ohun elo: Commonly used in industries requiring precise bolt tensioning, such as construction, iṣelọpọ, ati itoju.

Hydraulic Torque Wrench Pumps:

Purpose: Supplies hydraulic pressure to hydraulic torque wrenches for controlled tightening of bolts.
Awọn ohun elo: Used in bolting applications where precise torque is critical, such as in assembling machinery and equipment.

Hydraulic Torque Wrench:

Purpose: Applies a specific amount of torque to bolts, ensuring accurate and controlled tightening.
Awọn ohun elo: Commonly used in industries like oil and gas, power generation, and construction for bolting tasks requiring precise torque.

Hydraulic Nut Splitter:

Purpose: Used to safely and efficiently remove nuts from bolts by applying hydraulic force.
Awọn ohun elo: Valuable in maintenance and repair tasks where nuts need to be removed without damaging the surrounding components.

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners:

Purpose: Applies tension to bolts with a high degree of precision, ensuring even load distribution.
Awọn ohun elo: Widely used in industries where precise bolt tensioning is critical for structural integrity, such as in construction and heavy machinery.

Torque Multiplier:

Purpose: Multiplies the applied torque, allowing for increased tightening force.
Awọn ohun elo: Used when additional torque is required beyond what can be achieved manually, often in heavy-duty applications.

Cordless Torque Wrench:

Purpose: Offers the flexibility of cordless operation for torque applications.
Awọn ohun elo: Suitable for tasks where mobility and accessibility are crucial, such as in construction and maintenance.

Pneumatic Torque Wrench:

Purpose: Utilizes compressed air to apply torque to bolts.
Awọn ohun elo: Commonly used in industries where pneumatic tools are preferred, providing a lightweight and efficient solution.

LONGLOOD’s supply of these bolting tools indicates a comprehensive offering for various bolting applications, addressing the need for precision, ṣiṣe, and reliability in industrial settings. Each tool serves a specific purpose in the bolting process, contributing to the overall integrity and safety of assembled structures and equipment.

How to Choose Hydraulic Bolting Tools?

Torque Requirements:

Determine the torque range needed for your specific applications.

Type of Application:

Consider the type of bolting application, such as flange connections, pipeline assembly, or equipment maintenance.
Space Constraints:

Choose a hydraulic bolting tool that fits within the space constraints of the work environment.
Accuracy and Precision:

Evaluate the accuracy and precision of the tool to ensure it meets the required torque specifications.
Aabo Awọn ẹya ara ẹrọ:

Prioritize tools with safety features to enhance the overall safety of the bolting process.
Irọrun Lilo:

Consider the ease of use, including the tool’s weight, ergonomic design, and any additional features that enhance operator comfort.
Durability and Maintenance:

Assess the durability of the tool and consider maintenance requirements to ensure a long service life.

LONGLOOD Brand Reputation:

Choose hydraulic bolting tools from US who is reputable manufacturers with a history of producing reliable and high-quality tools.
Hydraulic bolting tools play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and reliability of bolted connections in various industrial settings. Proper selection and use of these tools contribute to efficient and safe bolting operations.

Bolt Tensioning vs. Torquing: A Comprehensive Introduction

Bolt Tensioning:

Bolt tensioning is a method of achieving proper and controlled clamping force in a bolted joint by directly stretching the bolt to a predetermined tension. This is typically done using hydraulic bolt tensioners, specialized devices designed to apply axial force to the bolt.


A hydraulic bolt tensioner is placed over the bolt within the joint.
Hydraulic pressure is applied, causing the tensioner to elongate and stretch the bolt.
The stretched bolt creates a controlled and precise tension in the joint.

Precision: Bolt tensioning provides accurate and controlled tension, resulting in a more reliable and consistent clamping force.
Uniform Load Distribution: Tensioning helps distribute the load more uniformly across multiple bolts in a joint.
Reduced Friction Effects: Tensioning is less affected by friction compared to torquing, making it suitable for lubricated threads.
Awọn ohun elo:
Bolt tensioning is commonly used in critical joints where precise load control and uniform distribution are crucial, such as in heavy machinery, afara, and construction applications.


Torquing is the process of tightening a bolted joint by applying a twisting force (torque) to the bolt. This is typically done using a torque wrench or a similar tool.


A torque wrench is used to apply a rotational force to the bolt.
The torque is transferred to the bolt, inducing tension and securing the joint.
The achieved tension is dependent on factors such as friction and thread conditions.

Simplicity: Torquing is a simpler and more straightforward method, requiring fewer specialized tools.
Widespread Applicability: Torquing is widely used in various applications, especially where high precision is not as critical.
Awọn ohun elo:
Torquing is commonly used in general fastening applications where high precision and uniform load distribution may not be as crucial. It is versatile and applicable in a wide range of industries.

Choosing Between Bolt Tensioning and Torquing:

Joint Requirements:

Criticality: Bolt tensioning is often preferred for critical joints where precise load control is essential.
Simplicity: Torquing may be sufficient for less critical joints and where simplicity is prioritized.
Precision Needs:

High Precision: Bolt tensioning is preferred for applications requiring high precision and controlled tension.
Moderate Precision: Torquing may be suitable for applications where moderate precision is sufficient.
Joint Characteristics:

Lubrication: Torquing can be affected by friction, especially on dry or unlubricated threads. Bolt tensioning is more reliable in such cases.
Industry Standards:

Adherence: Consideration of industry standards and practices may influence the choice between tensioning and torquing.
Cost and Resources:

Equipment: Consider the availability and cost of equipment, such as hydraulic tensioners or torque wrenches.
Ni soki, the choice between bolt tensioning and torquing depends on specific application requirements, joint characteristics, and the desired level of precision. Both methods have their advantages, and consulting with engineering professionals is essential to make an informed decision based on the unique characteristics of each application.

What is Hydraulic Torque Wrench And How Does It Work?

A hydraulic torque wrench is a specialized tool designed for applying a specific amount of torque to nuts and bolts in a controlled manner. It is commonly used in industries where precise and accurate torque application is crucial, such as construction, iṣelọpọ, ati itoju. The hydraulic torque wrench operates on the principle of hydraulic pressure to generate the necessary force for tightening bolts. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Components of a Hydraulic Torque Wrench:

Hydraulic Pump:

The hydraulic torque wrench system includes a hydraulic pump, which may be manually operated, electrically powered, or driven by another power source like compressed air.
High-Pressure Hydraulic Fluid:

The pump pressurizes hydraulic fluid, nigbagbogbo epo, to a high pressure.

High-pressure hoses transmit the pressurized hydraulic fluid from the pump to the hydraulic torque wrench.
Torque Wrench Body:

The torque wrench itself consists of a body that houses the hydraulic mechanism, a reaction arm or pad, and a square drive or fitting for attaching sockets or other accessories.
Working Mechanism:

Connection to Bolt or Nut:

The hydraulic torque wrench is connected to the bolt or nut that needs to be tightened. This connection is typically made through a square drive or other attachment points.
Setting the Desired Torque:

The user sets the desired torque level on the hydraulic torque wrench. This is often done using an adjustable setting on the tool.
Hydraulic Pressure Application:

The hydraulic pump is activated, and high-pressure hydraulic fluid is transmitted through the hoses to the hydraulic torque wrench.
Torque Control Mechanism:

Within the torque wrench body, there is a torque control mechanism. This mechanism regulates the amount of hydraulic pressure applied, translating it into torque on the bolt or nut.
Bolt Tightening:

As hydraulic pressure increases, the torque control mechanism tightens the bolt or nut. The applied torque is proportional to the hydraulic pressure and the design of the torque wrench.
Reaction Arm or Pad:

A reaction arm or pad is used to provide a point against which the hydraulic torque wrench can exert its force. This helps prevent the tool from rotating during operation.
Torque Indicator:

Some hydraulic torque wrenches are equipped with a torque indicator or gauge, providing real-time feedback on the applied torque.
Release Mechanism:

Once the desired torque is achieved, the hydraulic torque wrench may have a release mechanism or valve that allows the pressure to be released, and the tool can be removed from the fastener.
Advantages of Hydraulic Torque Wrench:

Precision: Hydraulic torque wrenches provide precise control over the applied torque, making them suitable for applications where accuracy is crucial.
Speed and Efficiency: They can quickly and efficiently tighten multiple bolts with consistent torque values.
Iwapọ: Available in various designs and sizes to suit different applications.
It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and specifications when using hydraulic torque wrenches to ensure proper operation and accurate torque application. Ni afikun, users should be trained on the correct use of the tool to maximize safety and effectiveness.

What Is Hydraulic Bolt Tensioner Pump? And What Is Hydraulic Torque Wrench Pump?

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioner Pump:

A hydraulic bolt tensioner pump is a specialized hydraulic pump designed to provide the hydraulic pressure required for tensioning bolts using hydraulic bolt tensioners. Hydraulic bolt tensioning is a method of achieving controlled and precise bolt tension by stretching the bolt using hydraulic force. The hydraulic bolt tensioner pump plays a crucial role in this process. Here’s how it generally works:

Connection to Hydraulic Bolt Tensioner:

The hydraulic bolt tensioner pump is connected to the hydraulic bolt tensioner using high-pressure hoses.
Pumping Action:

The pump is activated, and it pressurizes hydraulic fluid, typically oil, to high pressures.
Transmission of Hydraulic Pressure:

The pressurized hydraulic fluid is transmitted through the hoses to the hydraulic bolt tensioner.
Bolt Tensioning:

The hydraulic bolt tensioner uses the hydraulic pressure to stretch the bolt, creating a controlled and precise tension in the bolt.
Release Mechanism:

Some hydraulic bolt tensioner pumps may have a release mechanism or valve that allows the hydraulic pressure to be released after the desired tension is achieved.
Hydraulic Torque Wrench Pump:

A hydraulic torque wrench pump, similarly, is a hydraulic pump designed for use with hydraulic torque wrenches. Hydraulic torque wrenches are tools used for tightening nuts and bolts with controlled torque. Here’s how a hydraulic torque wrench pump generally works:

Connection to Hydraulic Torque Wrench:

The hydraulic torque wrench pump is connected to the hydraulic torque wrench using high-pressure hoses.
Setting Torque Value:

The user sets the desired torque value on the hydraulic torque wrench.
Pumping Action:

The pump is activated, pressurizing hydraulic fluid to high pressures.
Transmission of Hydraulic Pressure:

The high-pressure hydraulic fluid is transmitted through the hoses to the hydraulic torque wrench.
Torque Application:

The hydraulic torque wrench applies torque to the nut or bolt based on the hydraulic pressure, achieving the desired torque value.
Release Mechanism:

After achieving the set torque, the hydraulic torque wrench pump may have a release mechanism or valve to release the hydraulic pressure.
Key Points:

Both the hydraulic bolt tensioner pump and hydraulic torque wrench pump serve the common purpose of providing hydraulic pressure for specific bolting applications.
They are crucial for achieving accurate and controlled bolt tension or torque, ensuring the integrity of bolted joints in various industries.
These pumps are available in different configurations, including manually operated, electrically powered, or pneumatically driven, depending on the application and user preferences.
Following manufacturer guidelines and specifications is essential for safe and effective use.
Ni soki, both types of pumps play a vital role in the application of hydraulic force in bolting processes, whether it’s for achieving precise bolt tension or controlled torque in critical applications.

What Is Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners?

Hydraulic bolt tensioners are specialized tools used for applying controlled and precise tension to bolts during the tightening process. This method of bolt tensioning is often preferred in applications where accuracy and uniformity of tension across multiple bolts are critical, such as in construction, heavy machinery, ati awọn eto ile-iṣẹ miiran. Here’s an overview of hydraulic bolt tensioners:

Key Components and Working Principle:

Tensioner Body:

Hydraulic bolt tensioners typically consist of a tensioner body, which is the main component housing the hydraulic mechanism.
Silinda eefun:

The tensioner includes a hydraulic cylinder that is capable of extending and retracting. This cylinder is responsible for generating the tension in the bolt.
Piston and Seal Arrangement:

Within the hydraulic cylinder, there is a piston and seal arrangement. As hydraulic pressure is applied, the piston moves, and the seals ensure that the hydraulic fluid is contained within the cylinder.
High-Pressure Hydraulic Fluid:

A hydraulic pump, often connected to the tensioner via hoses, provides high-pressure hydraulic fluid, typically oil.
Connection to Bolt:

The hydraulic bolt tensioner is attached to the bolt to be tensioned. This connection is typically made using a threaded nut or similar mechanism.
Pumping Action:

The hydraulic pump pressurizes hydraulic fluid and transmits this pressure to the hydraulic bolt tensioner.
Bolt Tensioning:

The hydraulic pressure in the tensioner causes the hydraulic cylinder’s piston to extend, creating tension in the bolt. This controlled tension is precisely applied to the bolt.
Pressure Release:

After achieving the desired tension, the hydraulic pressure is released, allowing the tensioner to be removed from the bolt.
Advantages of Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners:

Precision and Uniformity:

Hydraulic bolt tensioners provide precise control over the applied tension, ensuring accuracy and uniformity across multiple bolts in a joint.
Reduced Friction Effects:

Tensioning is less affected by friction compared to traditional torquing methods, making it suitable for applications where lubricated threads are not feasible.
Speed and Efficiency:

Hydraulic bolt tensioning is often faster and more efficient than traditional torquing methods, especially when dealing with a large number of bolts.
Minimized Galling and Thread Damage:

The controlled application of tension reduces the risk of galling and thread damage on the bolt, contributing to improved bolt life.
Suitability for Critical Joints:

Hydraulic bolt tensioners are commonly used in critical joints where precise and uniform load distribution is crucial, such as in construction and heavy machinery.
Awọn ohun elo:

Hydraulic bolt tensioners are utilized in various industries and applications, including but not limited to:

Construction and infrastructure projects
Power generation facilities
Oil and gas installations
Heavy machinery and equipment manufacturing
Shipbuilding and offshore structures
Ni soki, hydraulic bolt tensioners offer a reliable and efficient method for achieving controlled bolt tension, contributing to the integrity and safety of bolted joints in critical applications.

What is Torque Multipliers?

A torque multiplier, also known as a torque multiplier wrench or a torque multiplier gear box, is a tool designed to increase the amount of torque applied to a fastener, such as a nut or bolt. It is particularly useful in situations where manual torque application may be limited, and additional mechanical advantage is needed. Here’s an overview of torque multipliers:

Key Features and Components:

Input and Output:

A torque multiplier typically has an input side where torque is applied manually and an output side where the increased torque is transferred to the fastener.
Gear Mechanism:

The tool contains a gear mechanism that multiplies the torque applied at the input. This mechanism often consists of a set of gears that amplify the rotational force.
Handle or Reaction Bar:

The torque multiplier usually has a handle or reaction bar on the input side. This allows the user to apply manual force to rotate the tool.
Square Drive or Socket:

The output side typically features a square drive or socket where a standard torque wrench or another tool can be attached. This is the point where the increased torque is transferred to the fastener.
How Torque Multipliers Work:

Manual Application:

The user manually rotates the handle or reaction bar on the input side of the torque multiplier.
Gear Mechanism:

As the handle is turned, the gear mechanism inside the torque multiplier multiplies the input torque. The gears act as a force multiplier, increasing the rotational force.
Transfer to Fastener:

The increased torque is transferred to the square drive or socket on the output side.
Attaching Torque Wrench:

A torque wrench or another tool can be attached to the output side, allowing the user to apply the amplified torque to the fastener.
Advantages of Torque Multipliers:

Increased Torque without Additional Effort:

Torque multipliers allow users to apply significantly more torque to a fastener than would be possible with manual effort alone.

They are versatile tools that can be used in various industries, including automotive, ikole, ati itoju.
Precise Torque Application:

Torque multipliers, when used in conjunction with a torque wrench, allow for precise and controlled torque application.
Reduced Physical Strain:

In situations where high torque is required, a torque multiplier can reduce the physical strain on the user compared to applying the torque manually.
Awọn ohun elo:

Torque multipliers find applications in various industries and tasks, pẹlu:

Automotive Repair: For loosening or tightening lug nuts on wheels.
Ikole: In applications where large bolts or fasteners need high torque.
Heavy Equipment Maintenance: For tasks involving large and heavily torqued components.
Industrial Assembly: In manufacturing processes where precise torque is critical.
Ni soki, torque multipliers are valuable tools that provide mechanical advantage, allowing users to apply increased torque to fasteners with relative ease. They contribute to efficiency and accuracy in tasks where high torque is required.

What is Hydraulic Nut Splitter?

A hydraulic nut splitter is a specialized tool designed for the purpose of safely and efficiently removing nuts from bolts. It utilizes hydraulic pressure to exert force and split the nut without damaging the threads of the bolt. Hydraulic nut splitters are commonly used in industries such as construction, iṣelọpọ, and maintenance where the removal of stubborn or corroded nuts is a frequent requirement.

Key Features and Components:

Silinda eefun:

The core component of a hydraulic nut splitter is a hydraulic cylinder that generates the force needed to split the nut. This cylinder is often operated by a manual hydraulic pump or other hydraulic power source.
Blade or Wedge:

The nut splitter features a blade or wedge that is positioned around the nut to exert force and create a separation between the nut and the bolt.
Adjustable Jaws:

The tool typically has adjustable jaws or blades to accommodate nuts of different sizes.
Aabo Awọn ẹya ara ẹrọ:

Some hydraulic nut splitters are equipped with safety features, such as a relief valve, to prevent overloading and ensure safe operation.
Hydraulic Pump:

Hydraulic nut splitters are often used in conjunction with a hydraulic pump, either manual or powered, to provide the necessary hydraulic pressure.

Working Principle:


The hydraulic nut splitter is positioned around the nut to be removed, ensuring that the blades or wedges are in contact with the nut.

Application of Hydraulic Pressure:

Hydraulic pressure is applied to the hydraulic cylinder, causing the blades or wedges to exert force on the nut.
Splitting Action:

The applied force causes the nut to split along its diameter, creating a gap between the nut and the bolt.
Removal of Nut:

Once the nut is split, it can be easily removed from the bolt without damaging the threads.
Release of Pressure:

The hydraulic pressure is released, and the hydraulic nut splitter is reset for the next operation.

Advantages of Hydraulic Nut Splitters:

Non-Destructive Removal:

Hydraulic nut splitters allow for the removal of nuts without damaging the threads of the bolt, providing a non-destructive method.

These tools are efficient and can quickly remove stubborn or corroded nuts.

Hydraulic nut splitters are versatile and can be used on nuts of various sizes.
Reduced Physical Strain:

The hydraulic operation reduces the physical effort required for nut removal compared to traditional manual methods.
Awọn ohun elo:

Hydraulic nut splitters are commonly used in scenarios where nuts are seized or corroded onto bolts, making conventional removal difficult. They find applications in industries such as:

Construction and Maintenance: For removing nuts from bolts in structural components.
Industrial Machinery: In maintenance tasks involving the disassembly of heavy machinery.
Shipbuilding: In the removal of nuts in ship construction and repair.
Ni soki, a hydraulic nut splitter is a valuable tool for efficiently and safely removing stubborn or corroded nuts from bolts in various industrial settings. Its hydraulic operation provides a controlled and effective solution for nut removal without causing damage to the underlying bolts.